I need to adjust my headlights for my up coming MOT. Can anyone recommend an easy guide on the net or does anyone have any ideas on how to set them correctly ? Can you set them up by where they hit on the road and the kerb edge or something ? Any help much appreciated.
Does anyone know if the main beam is tested or is it just dipped ?
55 views and not 1 post - help guys please…please…please
Ok then here’s my non scientific method which has always been good enough for my M.O.T’s (many many!)
After dark drive up close to a wall (3 feet)…
Switch on dipped beam and chalk the wall just where the left hand “kick up” hits the wall on both light beams…
Reverse about 15 feet … The beam should hit the wall slightly below your chalk mark (say 3 inches)
The kick up point should still be vertically inline (indicating your beam fires straight ahead)
What you are aiming for is a downward beam angle of just a few degrees … Say 3 degrees or so.
Does anybody know how adjustable the headlights are? The horizontal part of the beam just isn’t horizontal on mine. It seems like the one on the right is twisted slightly anticlockwise. Is this normal, or should I try to adjust it? I’ve got them switched into European driving mode at the moment, (completely flat beam pattern) so it’s quite noticable.