Have I failed as a Parent?

Accompanied my lad today to look over a new car he was considering buying - a Porker Cayman S :unamused:

Do you know I was rather impressed with it… He’s now a proud? Porker owner :open_mouth: - a lot of car and performance for the money…

No you’ve done great; he’s bought a performance car!

Cayman is a great car and as he matures hopefully he’ll seek out rawer hits like those delivered by proper sports cars.

I’ve one son who has zero interest and one that is borderline obsessive about anything cars/motorsport.

Absolutely correct Ben - his words were he didn’t want a bland performance hatchback - I’m rather chuffed really :slight_smile:

Shame on you both.
Lock him in the attic until he see’s sense.



No, really :cry: