Has anyone chosen 380 over a 410 ( Newbie!)


Newly joined and looking for opinions please.
My 350 Sport is great, but having driven a 380 for an hour recently and a 410 in July, it’s so clear both cars move the game on (Power delivery, poise, braking and looks, especially the 380) 410 by maybe 60% and 380 perhaps about 30%.

I sort of feel the 380 (no Nitrons) maybe better on road (my chosen domain), but have no experience if adjustable damping to know how a 410 and it’s 3-ways can be set up.

Prices now of both are closer, (less than 10k difference now), so it seems the choice is more open … thoughts very, very welcome.

Hello and welcome.

I’m immediately going to be no use replying as I’ve never driven any S3 exige so knowledge is useless. But purely for feedback, I have driven a number of earlier Exige on Nitrons and correctly set up they aren’t a problem for road use. My current car is on Ohlins (which are comparable) with 340r Geometry and it’s great on the road. It’s not a Rolls Royce for effortless travel (!) but it’s compliant and doesn’t jar any more than an Exige does normally :joy:.

I’m stuck in 2000/2001 when it comes to Exige but the 380/410 look tremendous - best with your search.

Again I have no first hand experience or back to back comparisons but Lotus have been configuring cars with Nitron/Ohlin examples for years now with some pretty fantastic road manners all around.

I think the Cup 380 is one of the better looking cars Lotus have churned out recently but I think if it were my money the 410 is just the better package.

Great choice to be having though, enjoy the process and keep us informed :thumbup:

A friend just upgraded from a 380 to a 410 - mainly due to the fact that the 410 is charge cooled, so doesn’t suffer heat issues… Of course also there’s the extra carbon fibre…

Much better idea for you.
Save a fortune and add power to a 380. Best of both worlds especially with the usual spec on the 380’s.
Ask Ishy and Leg!!!

Thank you Hornet. Would your friend be happy to divulge his thoughts so far on the 410 after the 380 do you think?

Interesting Seriouslylotus, are you thinking a 380’s road bias is more suited than the 410 to someone who will be on track a few percent of the time, but it gives the option to move more track focus in the future?

380 is usually very hi spec, with lots of carbon etc etc, Pick the right car and add some power and you have a blisteringly quick great looking car for less money

Thank you Seriouslylotus, any thoughts on road poise for the 410 versus non-Nitron 380 … will the 2/3 ways always give the best results (probably stooopid question I guess :crazy: )

To be honest i wouldn’t have either of those suspension set ups, If the 410 has nitrons it will have 1100 rear springs and 3 way adjustment, we found to be to firm on the road for what we where looking for. I think the nitron with correct springs and valving gives the best of both worlds…I.E.A set of well developed one ways with appropriate springs

Would you like to expand further … ? 380 plus what equals ‘better than 410’?
PM me if better of course :+1:

Better??? Just a different approach, 410 Will depreciate a big chunk, 380 seems to have found its level, I love the 380 looks especially if it has the correct colours and a shit ton of carbon. Dont want to say too much about what can be done, give me a call if you want some biased opinions!!!

Thank you, 410 thoughts on money, part of my thinking re possible ‘sweet spot if a 380.
Will call as you suggest.

I will certainly ask him for more detail - but so far, he is very happy with the 410, says it feels a bit more ‘special’ than the 380 - but I need to quantify what that means - its certainly faster - especially on track

So by way of an update … heart won over head and a 410 was duly collected from Hoffman’s. In the end, I felt the 410 offered a level of performance that’s a leap on from the 380 that, although far beyond my driving capabilities, will just give even more ‘bang for buck’ than a 380 as long as I don’t think too hard about the price difference.

Suspension adjustability is something I really want to understand and play with, so the 3 ways were a plus point. There’s plenty of carbon, even if no running boards and I actually prefer the leather sills. The immediacy of power ( bhp and single mass flywheel?) is phenomenal and there is something very special about driving, what could be, the last road compliant extreme Exige.

Chris and his colleagues worked hard for me and we agreed on a very good deal … and when the wife says, ‘that’s a really great colour’, who am I to disappoint her!

What a fantastic looking car. Congratulations on your purchase

Gorgeous, congratulations.

It’s taking a lot of self control to not go test drive a 410 at the moment, some decent deals to be had :thumbup:

Post more pictures when you can, that looks stunning.

I occasionally go for a drive with a 410 in my S1. Unbelievably quick and the standard exhaust sounds fantastic.

Welcome to exige ownership.

Oh god that’s Italian Flag Green isn’t it?