Hard Northerners in shandy drinking shocker!!!!

Actually, just after a good (read cheap) B&B to stay at near Brands on saturday neet.We are being looked after friday night, thanks to the genorosity of an Exiger, but don’t want to impose our drunken bodies two nights in a row. So what is the nearest town for a good beer to Brands, and can anyone recommend a B&B there?


Well Pratts Bottom is within 10 miles… no offence intended Russ
Or alternativley Blacklands House nr Maidstone 01732 844274 I’m told is good with decent parking.


Used to stop at Rising Sun at Fawkham (no kid!) about 1 mile (sober) from circuit - tel no 01474 872291 an’ they’ve got a 4 poster bed in one of the rooms if you got company;)


Used to stop at Rising Sun at Fawkham (no kid!) about 1 mile (sober) from circuit - tel no 01474 872291 an’ they’ve got a 4 poster bed in one of the rooms if you got company;)

I can just see it, Pesky swinging off the 4 poster roof onto Veronique!

I can just see it, Pesky swinging off the 4 poster roof onto Veronique!

So can I