Well, I may as well continue with the ‘time advantage’ of being in OZ!!!

With 4 hours to go here, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :clap:

Wishing all fellow Exiger’s (even thought I am now an "Eliser!) a great send off to 2014 (and a good riddance for some!) and a fab 2015!

Off to Sydney now to see all the fireworks you guys will be watching on the morning news!!! :laughing:


Pete :wink:

Fireworks were amazing! :sunglasses:

Seen video of them before and yep certainly looked great.

Have a good one

happy new year all, see you on the other side

Happy New Year guys :smiley:

2015 is the year of ‘use it even more’ - oh yes let’s hope for lots of Exige-based action in 2015 :sunglasses:

Yup, Darling Harbour 1993, spectacular
HNY all

Bonne Année! :smiley:

Very Happy 2015 everyone - lets make it a good one - roll on April for starters !

Happy new year you all!

Happy New year to you too! :slight_smile:

All the best for 2015

More of the above to all!

HNY! got lazy :wink:

Happy New Year everyone. Wishing you all the best for 2015.

Happy New Year Guys!!!

Happy New Year everyone… It’s not too late is it :lolno: