Happy Christmas

Hope you all have a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.
May there be a few Exige gifts under that tree!

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.


Pah Humbug!!! :laughing:

Unless George (Esprit) in NZ is on here now, the only credible way to say ‘Happy Christmas’ is to be here ‘Down Under’! Where is IS actually Christmas Day in 30 minutes in Melbourne!

Happy Christmas guys! :wink: One day, I hope Santa will bring me another Exige to go with the Elise!

Merry Christmas fellas, I do love our small part of cyberspace here at Exiges.com.

I don’t normally get drawn into all this well wishing on forums for people I’ve not met in person (I’m not a recluse or anti-social), but despite not really driven my Exige since September, I feel more of a oneness now with a few on here, which I think is down to general sincerity and helpfulness. It’s great to be in this community, so I wish you all a very Happy Christmas. I’m going to fit the CRP to my car tomorrow and hopefully get on the road before new year (as long as the salt has been washed away). All the best guys.


Happy Christmas One & All :slight_smile:

I’ve not met anyone on Exiges (yet) Kurt. But this forum does exude a friendly close knit community feel that is hard to find on many other forums etc. Hence I have no issue in saying happy Christmas to a host of forum names! :slight_smile:

Anyway back to work…enjoy your turkey everyone.

Spot on! It’s exactly that… and meeting peeps in person has been just as good too… as I guess we all found out the ‘first time’!

A sunny warm Christmas day here in Perth, Australia. 32C. Off to the beach now before a ‘prawn on the Barbie’… and probably also some turkey! :mrgreen:

Merry Christmas Exiges lads and lasses!

We’re down by the beach for Xmas too Pete but we sure as hell ain’t gonna have a BBQ!

Rob you better make it to Anglesey this year!

Merry Xmas one and all,

Thanks Ben for organizing the Exiges day


PS - I am anti-social.

Happy Christmas, you lot.
Exiges is a special place, there is no doubt.
Let’s keep it that way with Pesky’s indefinable “exigeness” to the fore

Merry Christmas to all you Exigers and families :slight_smile:

And the same again Happy Christmas to you all - whats left of it :wink: