Happy Birthday

Owned the Exige for nine years today. :smiley:

Happy Birthday to Mr Yellow :clap:

Happy Birthday :sunglasses:

We really do have some amazingly long tenures amongst us. These little cars really do get under your skin huh…

You can start planning now what you’ll do for the decade of ownership huh :smiley:

Happy Birthday, this is the only car that i never get bored to look at…had mine for 4 years already!

Blimey, just realised my car is now over 9 years old, and I have owned it for 9 years in October, and mine is one of those modern S2s LOL


Treating him to an oil change Steve? :smiley:

Well Done …Thommo.

Rob had “ours” for 15 years!! Doubt if I will last that long!!!

Wooo hoo!

Definitely past the break in stage now. 7000+rpm is calling :wink:

:clap: :thumbup:

Only time it saw that was at Hethel with Martin Donnelly driving :laughing:

Do you know, Pierre, I think I might just try that. Maybe 7.5?

On reflection, I might save it for the 10th anniversary :open_mouth:

Thanks one and all for your birthday greetings. And, yes, Steve, the oil is changed with great regularity whether it’s needed or not. XxX

But Steve you need to go to at least 8 k revs every time you drive it. How else will you know that the shift lights still work???

Shift lights? Didn’t know they came as standard :unamused:

8k?!?! You guys are girls. I used to rev my K series to 9,300!! It sounded great, until the eternal silence. In all fairness it used to rev for England, awesome sound too. When Mr Erland stepped away from the keyboard and stopped winding everyone up, he did build a nice engine.

Wow, did I just have some K series nostalgia?

yeah all the VHPD based exiges just gained 8% on PH

:laughing: :laughing: