Chopped in my clio 200 for this a couple weeks ago. It joins my clio V6 as usable all round cars! Its a solar orange s2 240pp. Got a few issues i need to resolve, it leaks by the windows and the gear change when cold a) crunches into 3rd and b/ is generally tough to engage some gears.
very nice…i think the windows are an easy fix, not sure on the others…my windows were a bit drafty and would leak slightly after a wash, had them realigned or whatever uinit4 did and they leak no more…well not yet anyway…im sure its a common problem.
Nice cars - and looks like great driving locations as well!
Regarding the gear issue - check on here for threads regarding gearbox issues - 3rd/4th gear can have problems with the more tuned cars I’d have thought 240s would be ok though…
Various advice from better gearbox oil and making sure it’s warmed up to prolong the the life to various replacement / upgrade options like Jubu 3rd and 4th gears exist.