Guys... BUY an Evora!

Celebrated our Anniversary a few months ago by arriving and staying at the original wedding venue!

This time in the Evora… it ‘fit’s’ eh!

Also met up with our favourite ‘Mr Bean’!

Clive took me for a blast in the altered state ‘Dyno-Rod’… brilliant! Brought back so many great memories… noise, noise, petrol, noise!

Bloody hell it can STOP as well :>)

Very cool buddy :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Great pics Pete, lovely looking Evora that.

What’s with the Reg plate?

Glad to see such a lovely pair.
Especially glad to see Mr Bean’s machine is up and running.

Its a 2014 ‘Sports Racer’… (SR)



‘Sports Racer 55… R Sports Racer’…

Well… it made (some!) sense to me!! :crazy:

I am changing my name by deed poll to. L8XGE. I will then have a personalised registration plate! Wife will be AY 63VSV! Trysaying that with a mouth full of dry biscuits!
Soon we will all be just bar codes anyway! :neutral_face:
Have fun

I bought R5 LOT in 1998 for my then new Elise, which I have transferred to subsequent cars.

R = 1998 registration, 5 as it was the first digit available (other than 1 which was three times the price), an LOT = Lotus.

The number of times people have looked at the car and reg and then asked me if I have won the lottery :crazy:

Well, did you!! :laughing: