Group test - Exige v Clio v TT ?!

Yes, you read it correctly, Exige v Clio v TT - Autoexpress are doing a group test in NEXT weeks issue - what an odd combination, almost as bad as Driven… we shall see!

I bet the TT is going to win and our exige will be last but who cares??? we all knowwhich care can dive circles around the others,do we???

thats the 007 esprit you’re referring to then is it?

how on earth did you guess… my real name is bond, james bond…

now THAT would explain that black oil cloud emerging from his car’s tail! [image][/image]

Has anyone seen this

quote:Originally posted by B7SHY:Has anyone seen this Yes, but do they do anything other than corporate trackdays… or maybe large groups…?

As expected, they rank the Exige “last” out of the three stating it’s too extreme for everyday use!?! Too noisy seemed to be the general theme (standard exhaust fitted but with 190 upgrade), yet even they state it’s a racing car for the road.An entirely unbalanced and misinformed comparison in my opinion.

Quite a number of errors when you look at what they say about the Exige…I dont know the other cars but if a similar number of errors are made in those reports then the whole thing is a load of b*%$�cks

The last time I read Autoexpress, they ran an article about The Best Value for Money Fluffy Dice, or something similar.I rest my case.

I thought the test was pretty fair. They were generally very positive about the Exige, but it’s not a car for everybody. The average TT owner would hate it more than we would dislike owning a dull posers car like the Audi.

Typical of autoexpress…put the Exige against cars in a totally different category and do their pathetic tests such as 50 - 70mph in 5th gear and then diss it!(fat chance in the Exige with no torque… ram it down to 2nd and the Clio and Audi are coughing in your uncleansed uncatted exhaust smoke)Complimentary in places yes… but don’t put it last against a hairdressers car and a 16 year olds muscle hatch and demand abs, comfy seats, smooth running, fluffy dice, air-miles, large bootspace, child seats… tossers!Next week they will probably test the new Elise against a Lamborghini Diablo, Ford Ka and a Datsun Cherry.

quote:Next week they will probably test the new Elise against a Lamborghini Diablo, Ford Ka and a Datsun Cherry.Didn’t “Driven” do that one last week?

Don’t get me started on ‘Driven’. Arseholes! Did anyone see the Elise/VX200/Caterham 7 comparison? Hey, let’s get a rugby team to assess the cars for desirability. But they don’t actually fit into the cars. Never mind, we’ll do it any way!