Great Track and Race Car Magazine Offer.

Just found this offer.

Specially for members of LOT and Seloc (they didn’t ask me if I was a member of either however), Track and Race Car magazine, which now incorporates Circuit Driver, are offering a discounted subscription rate of �29.99 for 12 issues, that’s a saving of nearly 40%…but you must quote the all important discount code ‘LOTUS CELEBRATION’!

Not only that but if you take out the above subscription they offer you a free ticket worth �12 to the Lotus Celebration at Brands Hatch which takes place on Easter Sunday.

Not a bad deal if you ask me!

can you do it online?

Track and Race Car magazine, which now incorporates Circuit Driver, are offering a discounted subscription rate of �29.99 for 12 issues

So that accounts for why I haven’t seen a copy of Circuit Driver since the October issue (which arrived in December) and they never responded to my emails asking what was going on with my subscription.

Well b*gger me. Just received this email from Circuit Driver…

Dear Subscriber

From Tuesday 5 February 2008 Circuit Driver will, unfortunately, no longer be contract published
by P1 Media Ltd due to the contractual infringements made 176MPH Ltd.

Our enthusiastic drive for the continuation of the much-loved Circuit Driver Magazine has been
constantly jeopardized since we agreed to take on the responsibility of designing, printing and
producing the monthly publication. Due to these restrictions, that were beyond our control,
your subscription has been compromised and we can only apologise for the disruption and
general nuisance this may have caused you over the last few months.

Although the liability of your subscription is the responsibility of 176MPH Ltd we would look to
honour the remaining editions you�re owed.

As an act of goodwill, we at P1 Media Ltd along with TrackDriver Ltd would like to provide you a
monthly publication titled Track Driver Magazine. Featuring track tests, car setup advice,
technique articles and a comprehensive listings of UK and European track and test dates we�re
sure it will provide you with a sufficient magazine for all your track day needs. Please log onto for more information.

It will be with you on Thursday 28 February (with an events diary for March and April) but if for
any reason you wish to cancel then please do so by emailing:

cancel @trackdrivermag .com

Kind regards,

Andrew Brown & Keith Wood

Managing Directors

I love the marketing, pay just over �3 per issue rather than �4.25 so thats �39.99 for a year.*

*Publishes 10 mags a year,

I personally dont count �3.99 as jsut over �3!


I love the marketing, pay just over �3 per issue rather than �4.25 so thats �39.99 for a year.*

*Publishes 10 mags a year,

I personally dont count �3.99 as jsut over �3!


Especially when Track And Race Car is only �2.49!

*Publishes 10 mags a year,

Where does it say that Gav?

Waverunner, where abouts in Surrey are you ? Do you ever go on any of the Surrey or Sussex runs or meets ?




Go to the subscribe section and under the list of everything you get (in bold yellow), it says in light grey thin text!




Now I’ve got them on, I’ll be round to inspect your decorating

Waverunner, where abouts in Surrey are you ? Do you ever go on any of the Surrey or Sussex runs or meets ?



Just outside Chertsey. If you know Thorpe Park I’m right opposite the entrance. Never been on any of the meets or runs. Will keep an eye out for them.