Great afternoon at Lakeside

When I arrived at Lakeside Engineering after lunch on Friday my car felt like a tired example of an S1, what with its dodgy alternator, anonymous suspension noise, damaged diffuser, knackered reverse light and lack of brake fluid.

Four hours later the car feels three years younger with all of that sorted and its owner having enjoyed hanging out with the chaps.

There’s serious ducting on the alternator and a replaced driver’s side rear hub and bearings; no squeeks or bad lights on the dashboard. All ready for a blat in Wales!



Very timely post. Many thanks for that.

Lakeside are the nearest to me but until now I’ve only ever used Plans (a hangover from my VX days) but it is a bit of a pain getting there and back. Everyone now seems to rave about Back on Track but they’re not much closer. Glad to hear Lakeside still get good reports.

Any ideas what they’re like for paintwork? I’ve got some crazing on the rear nearside under the lights which needs sorting. Plans quoted �1,200 + VAT which I politely turned down after I’d picked myself up off the floor

That’s really great news Ian

I’m sorry I’ve not called you back last week - tis a bit manic

They wouldn’t do paint in-house but they’ll know how to get the job done.

They’re a couple of no nonsense Lotus mechanics (although now doing Porsche too) working out of a big functional shed/barn. I like the fact that I’m not paying for a big glossy location and that I talk to the people that are actually working on the car. I’m not saying they’re perfect but Max is excellent on the ECU front and both he and Tim don’t BS, if they unsure on something they say. An example is the vibration I’ve been experiencing, I explained the issue they kinda shrugged but promptly found the issue, located a replacement part and fixed it in just over an hour.

I’ve never had a problem with Plans but people do say that they know how to charge. John was great its a shame for them that he left. I’ve not used them since so can’t comment myself.


I’ve never had a problem with Plans but people do say that they know how to charge.

I know what you mean. The bill I’ve just paid for the Exige’s 3rd service wasn’t exactly cheap. Can’t complain about the quality of the work - Just a bit pricey.

Cost + travelling hassle = Lakeside next time around.

My car has been to Lakeside in the early days and I too had a good experience.

Thinking about it, although the car is pretty much universally looked after now by the boys I’ve shared the love with B&C, Lakeside, Sincs, Hofmanns, Plans…hate to think what I’ve spent…shudder

I’ve never had a problem with Plans but people do say that they know how to charge. John was great its a shame for them that he left. I’ve not used them since so can’t comment myself.

John (ex Plans) now has his own place (JS Racing) in Birmingham. He is still getting the palce all set up but we have customers cars in and work going on.

The offices are still being refurbished, so at the moment your best bet is to reach him on his mobile 07720 398699


I’ve never had a problem with Plans but people do say that they know how to charge. John was great its a shame for them that he left. I’ve not used them since so can’t comment myself.

John (ex Plans) now has his own place (JS Racing) in Birmingham. He is still getting the palce all set up but we have customers cars in and work going on.

The offices are still being refurbished, so at the moment your best bet is to reach him on his mobile 07720 398699


Actually mine in today for a check over, tweaked a little ready for Donny tomorrow and a forecast change for a future more aggressive geo…Merry Hill makes one hell of a waiting room. Thanks John excellent day, excellent service!


Nice mix of cars booked on - hope you have a great day.