Got one at last

After quite a while trying to decide whether or not to buy an Exige, finally got one Only thing is I can’t get the photos small enough to send, only got down to 200K rather than 35K as site requests.

Photobucket - clickety click

many thanks

and did you get one of these with your Exige? how do you get it out of the car?

Lovely car Roger…doesnt ‘silver’ just show off the contours to its full!

Cant help with your problem though, try holding up a bag of Haribos, that’ll get him out!

many thanks
and did you get one of these with your Exige? how do you get it out of the car? >


Welcome Roger!

You don’t look old enough to get insurance!


Wow, silver is a great color for an Exige. Nice car!

Never seen a silver one with silver wheels - looks good

Thanks for all of the comments. On age, yes I always wanted to drive before I could walk, and it seems to be in the genes.

Aren’t you a bit young to be driving, I wish my dad would buy me a car like that

Roger welcome to

Nice Bling wheels

Hope you have lots of fun and are you coming to play at Donington on 29th Apr… if so, then look forward to seeing you