Nice atmospheric photos - brill !!

i have updated the pictures in that link now.

Very nice, sounds like you are really enjoying it…just one thing missing…sports exhaust. Never understood why Lotus never gave it a better looking/sounding exhaust than the pea shooter they seem to fit to all new Lotus .

Never understood why Lotus never gave it a better looking/sounding exhaust than the pea shooter they seem to fit to all new Lotus .

How would they sell any sports exhausts if they did that


Got mine too on Saturday morning, starlight black, touring pack plus aircon, (I know its the soft option but having had a 340R I want to use it regularly), went for the forged alloys, but really not sure about them. Only thing that doesn’t work at the moment is the small LED in the headlight switch- not bad for a new Lotus !
Seems a silly question but can I attach pics on this forum, if so how ?

Seems a silly question but can I attach pics on this forum, if so how ?

You can’t upload photos directly to the site - is doesn’t host them. You will have to upload to a third party provider and then use the “Instant UBB Code” link for inserting an image using the full web address of where is is hosted including the .jpg at the end.

[quote…third party provider…[/quote] is free.
