Good race car colours?????????????????????

so hopefully it will all start to go back together this evening.

You still aiming for a shake down at Donington day after Boxing Day Sean? I might take a spin out and have a look-see (if it’s not lashing down).

Thats the plan mate.

Thats the plan mate.

Come on then let’s see some pics.

I’m in the area so will prolly pop over on the 27th.

27th is off Ben.

We have had two mapping sessions now, neither went to plan, the fix following the first mapping session didn’t work in the 2nd mapping session. Basically the car is making to much power. lol. (how does 300BHP at 5,000rpm at 40% throttle sound) Basically we are having trouble controling the boost, the turbo is at its optimum at 1.5bar of boost, but even with the wate gate wide open the boost is climbing vertically on the graph. We chickened out at 1.8 bar when the car launched itself out of the rollers.

The fix was to port the waste gate (internal type waste gate) so that it will flow more air. However this didn’t cure the problem.

I have now decided to bin the IHI turbo, and the Jabba sport manifold and am going down a different route, which will include an external wastegate.

All the bits are ordered, so will hopefully have those in early January, then it will need the exhaust and boost pipework changing. So hopefully will be back on the rollers towards the end of January.

A lot of people use the IHI turbo and Jabba sport manifold with no problems, my problems are coming from the fact my exhaust is so free flowing that the air passing through the turbo isn’t coming up agaianst any back pressure, thus forcing the air through the waste gate and limiting the boost pressure. One fix would be to use a smaller diameter exhaust, but this isn’t the correct way to do it. The right route is to use a waste gate that works and can efficiently control the boost and that is the way I am going.

Wayne at Pro alloy with a less eficient exhaust than mine also surffered these boost creep problem, but to a lasser extent and he could just keep the boost at 1.5 bar at max revs. However this equates to about 350BHP, which is obviously too much for LOT regs, so even with the best will in the world, the IHI has to go.

Such problems to have. Too much power, who would have thunk it!

27th is off Ben

OK matey no problem…I’ll have to find another excuse to go and have a blast around

No doubt the car will be sorted soon,…better to be finding this stuff out now rather than the weekend before the first race.

Good luck.

pics now in projects