Good race car colours?????????????????????

Red is winning at the moment, although I do think Purple would look good. Only problem being I haven’t seen any really nice non-mettalic purples

Alfa red is stunning Sean!

Or what about the JPS Gold and Black

That’s a great idea, Lotus history, instantly recognisable and easy to repair.

Aconite was a flat Purple I think from the 70’s on Minis and MGB etc maybe a bit dark …

I’d vote for red !!

Aconite was a flat Purple I think from the 70’s on Minis and MGB etc maybe a bit dark …

I’d vote for red !!

I had an MG Midget in Aconite, sometimes it looked purple, sometimes navy and sometimes black depending on the light!

I had an MG Midget in Aconite, sometimes it looked purple, sometimes navy and sometimes black depending on the light!

Did you ever drive it?

Yeah I have made my mind up to go for a single, non metalic colour, for ease of touching up etc.

I’m taking it in to get painted on Thursday, so I better hurry up and make my mind up. Doh!!!

hi pet, red gets my vote

it will be easy for me to touch up when i drive it


As far as flat colours go, I�m kinda with Mr P�s Renault blue, equally, I quite like the blue they use on the Jet alliance Aston.


Just my 2p.


I had an MG Midget in Aconite, sometimes it looked purple, sometimes navy and sometimes black depending on the light!

Did you ever drive it?

Dont be stupid Pesky, thats how I sold it back to the Classic Car dealer for more than he sold it to me 4 years earlier!

OK here is a 2min very rough and ready PS job to illustrate some options and help you out here Sean

I think Pale Blue would be great with race stickers and maybe some black details such as wing mirrors etc. Let me know and I could invest a bit more PS time if you think it will help. I’ve used Evosal’s white car coz it made an easier starting point in PS.

Go on you know pale blue makes sense

Kinda crypton green - not my bag on a racecar tbh

Not convinced about red either, although Kinetic’s car looks ace (I modelled mine on it)

Any more colours you want me to try…don’t say purple, that would be wrong at many levels

Just to convince you further - here it is in pale blue with TMRs, a proper wing and you at the helm

Shockingly rough PS but you the get the idea


Light blue - thumbs up!

Benja out of pure curiosity what would it look like with the gulf orange stripe added ? Didnt look great on the S2 but may work for the s1


Kinda like this…

Would be nice to see it photoshopped though .


must admit i did think my old Red Exige looked nice. im still thinking of doing my car red again…or maybe blue. i think that light blue is a bit pale though. (only my opinion mind)

Yep go for the pale blue


Sean why not go back to the original orange ?? after all its reckoned to be the best colour for an s1 exige

Kinda like this…

Would be nice to see it photoshopped though .


Works on the Old Mini !!!

Yep go for the pale blue

[image]>> [/image]

Actually made by “AC Cars”, in between manufacturing a Cobra or two

Works on the Old Mini !!!
[image]>> [/image]

Apparently the gaffa tape doesn�t though .


Yep go for the pale blue

[image]>> [/image]

Actually made by “AC Cars”, in between manufacturing a Cobra or two

How come youre so knowledgable about geriatric cars???

Wonder if you can join the ac owners club if you own one then ?? i might go on their forum and ask the question