Good quality jack

I have one of those horrid blue and silver alloy jacks but it is leaking fluid all over the place and slowly goes down. Any recommendations for a good jack suitable for a Lotus and small/light enough to go into the boot. Sensible prices please, I only change wheels and do basic servicing on my cars.

I’ve got one of those pathetic blue and silver jacks too… and a pool of fluid to accompany it !

I use one of these on my Elise with a dense foam pad on top, folds flat to go in the boot and lifts a side at a time with no problem on the central jacking point. Nothing to leak either !


I have a blue and silver jack from Costco that’s brilliant…and no pool of fluid and it’s been used a lot! Same one?

Mine is the same as the Eliseparts one but it did not come from them. I have read of several people having them leak, mine falls apart as well.

My blue/silver light weight alloy jack does exactly the same as above (leaks & falls to bits) :cry: can’t remember where I got it from…

After my lightweight jack leaked, I bought one of these: 2.5 Ton Lightweight Aluminium Chassis Racing Trolley Jack

After a similar experience I’ve just bought one of these from Screwfix - but I haven’t used it yet so cannot comment how good it is. But, it does come in a plastic carrying case that makes it quite portable.,or.&bvm=bv.100742971,d.bGQ&tch=1&ech=1&psi=xgfbVb40hNXKA8_MvcgI.1440417737967.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraXw_Zpf_2FFw8HzF4N4LyYGBKT8lFikuz-w_lQM50FeFaA905dqIhmdFl3zxgS2GBvGgUxPOxdEffx_7ZDhQ5Bh_NgZr0fIwQg5VXPgMNIKlX_ncOfBIZAFPVH71wcb1DQctswaQiWq0QLwdvzMKGrA&ved=0CB4QpitqFQoTCPiMyK3WwccCFSgBcwodAUMCKw&ei=7QfbVbjiB6iCzAOBhonYAg