Good Exige and funny footage

Apologies if a repost…

Good footage of the Exige on a track test in Germany.

German language but the points are clear.

Then check out minutes 4-5 when ‘Jumbo’ tries to drive car and then has pax laps…bring on the weightest S1 boys…:smiley:

Very good, Damon


I wish I could do all of that slidy stuff!


I have turned down friends that wanted a ride because I though they would never be able to enter, or even worse to get out of the car. But if theese guys manage to squeze in a 200cm/160kg man everything must be possible.

But I do wonder how they managed to get him out of there

Don’t talk to me about giving pax laps for fat lads Let’s just say it significantly impacts your braking ability from 150+mph That fella won’t be forgetting that charity day at Brunters for a while

Don’t talk to me about giving pax laps for fat lads Let’s just say it significantly impacts your braking ability from 150+mph That fella won’t be forgetting that charity day at Brunters for a while

That’s what the tester said as well. One could really feel the extra weight. Besides this it cost him 3 seconds extra around the 19 seconds track…

Don’t talk to me about giving pax laps for fat lads Let’s just say it significantly impacts your braking ability from 150+mph That fella won’t be forgetting that charity day at Brunters for a while

Nor will I matey PMSL thinking about your explanation of why you couldn’t stop to the rotund skyline driver

Nor will I matey PMSL thinking about your explanation of why you couldn’t stop to the rotund skyline driver

Was waiting for you to pipe up,…the event has indeed gone down in Exige legend

Got yer car back yet Con? I am around in Warks at the weekend and me and the boy might come and have a look-see if you have it back…

Nor will I matey PMSL thinking about your explanation of why you couldn’t stop to the rotund skyline driver

Was waiting for you to pipe up,…the event has indeed gone down in Exige legend

Got yer car back yet Con? I am around in Warks at the weekend and me and the boy might come and have a look-see if you have it back…

Not yet - should be MOT’d next week and then it’s ready to go and get mapped. Saw martin and steve last weekend and it looks awesome - its running, the clams are back on, the geo done - just a few small jobs to do and final checks and then it’ll

We’ll be home all weekend if your out for a drive and fancy showing off your grey wheels

We’ll be home all weekend if your out for a drive and fancy showing off your grey wheels

We’ll be going as a ‘family unit’ in the Audi so the wheels will be grey but more in the general sense

Great news about the car, I can’t wait to see it
You’ll be needing to get it out for a bit of exercise. How about a Donington evening session? BaT have a couple at the end of the month/beginning of June?

We’ll be home all weekend if your out for a drive and fancy showing off your grey wheels

We’ll be going as a ‘family unit’ in the Audi so the wheels will be grey but more in the general sense

Great news about the car, I can’t wait to see it
You’ll be needing to get it out for a bit of exercise. How about a Donington evening session? BaT have a couple at the end of the month/beginning of June?

10th June Ben - LOT evening session - get yourself booked on. There’s a crowd going from MLOC so with yours that would make 4 x S/C Honda Exiges !

Just hope the noise Police approve !

10th June Ben - LOT evening session - get yourself booked on.

Thanks Con, that will join the list (with Oulton on the 13th) of trackdays I can’t attend because I will be on holiday in the US

I may still go for one of the BaT days anyway, will let you know.