God there are some tw@ts on SELOC

That is why we have Radium Engineering… :slight_smile: They make fine titanium lug screws!


Really Gary?
This thread has been dean for over three years

And JJ is no longer on here as he was banned
I assume your not actually trying to wind him up?

:smiley: Hey Gary, welcome to Exiges.com :wave:

Unban him. I double dare you!! :smiling_imp: :wink:

Just joined Dave :smiley:
Actually I never tried to wind him up, I responded to his safety critical misinformation posts which he would continue to justify even when proved wrong.
When he wasn’t saying anything dangerous I ignored him.


Thank you :slight_smile:

Yes Gary i could see you just joined…Welcome
Sadly your very very first posts was a Wavy emoji directly after a post made almost three and a half years ago by JJ
Most people just go to the introductions page and say hello.
Sorry Gary but that in my opinion was an attempt at an unnecessary wind up.
This forum is not like any other, we can all have a say but we have in the past self moderated and it has worked really well!!
Not sure if Andy will want it to be this way or not?

Thank you, copied the intro page also.

Sorry Dave I read it that you were asking me if I was trying to wind him up? I explained I wasn’t nor ever have. He certainly wound me and many others up but that is another story.

What actually happened Dave is I typed in Spitfire into the search engine and was shown the thread, that simple.
I didn’t quote any posts nor comment about the content of the thread, the response was due to finding it quite amusing considering the dialogue.
The fact it appeared “directly after” the last post is just a function of the post/thread system Dave and the delay you already knew the reason for.

If you personally feel a wavy is antagonistic Dave then I apologise, and that is extended of course to anyone else who feels the same :slight_smile:
99% of all automotive posts elsewhere are in technical, usually with help, advice or warnings (hence JJ)
The rest are on SELOC/Chapman’s/politics and religion mostly, now ALL of those posts are deliberately sarcastic for sure :laughing:

Have a good weekend


ps these emoticons are really emotive! :smiley: