Gear selection issues

On track under maximum braking I struggle to engare 3rd gear.
I tend to get nothing at all (can’t select anything), or end up with 5th. In any way I loose lots of time and my rhythm.
My workaround is to brake earlier, which of course also is time lost but at least I can keeep a certain rhythm.

I would like some help in identifying possible causes.
Gearbox Oil - I’m running Millers 75w90
Engine movement - I found a big improvment from installing PowerFlex Black bushes but it did not solve the issue
Adjusting gear cables ?


I’m guessing your gearbox is the Toyota box? Assuming your clutch is disengaging properly, if there’s a fault with your 3rd gear synchro there isn’t a cheap way of fixing it unfortunately. Either get your box rebuilt of find a decent second hand box to replace it with. No way around it really.

I was thinking syncro as well, but it is only a problem under maximum braking.
At all other times I have no problem selecting 3rd gear.

Same with mine, only on track on hard braking, worse when it’s hot. I installed the firmer yellows engine mounts which did not helped, changed the oil, which did not help either. What I have done which has improved matters is to run a length of 42mm air ducting from the passenger side intake, above the engine air intake, to blow cold air onto the gear box cable linkage. Not perfect but made an improvement.

Best solution is to drive my S1 where the gearbox works all the time.

I wonder if it’s a fluid issue? I might get corrected here but aren’t the brake & clutch fluids part of the same system? When your brakes are on hard, maybe something is interfering with your clutch fluid system disengaging the clutch?

Good idea.
But is relly only 3rd gear.
Coming down the main straight of my home track in 5th at about 180kph.
1st corner is a 3rd gear right.
Full on the brakes, down to forth not a problem.
3rd - problem.
Either I can’t find a gear, trying to get it into 3rd. Unable to push the stick into that position.
Slots into what I think is 3rd only to realize that I’ve got 5th.

Both cases give me Big headache as I’m relying a bit on the engine to tighten the turn - result - running slow and wide on exit.

Is it possible that RedLine MT90 oil would help ?

Sounds like the classic warm flexible gear change cable!!!
Changing up 1-2/3-4/5-6 you are in effect pulling the cable, However on a down change you are ‘pushing’ that same cable. they get hoy on the plastic sleeve gets all soft = poor gear change.
Gav has much experience of this problem!!!
Uprated cables with metal sliders rather than plastic make a big difference!!
Shameless plug Yes I have them in stock!!!

Dave, I’m all for anything that improves the quality of the gear change. How much are the inserts and are they straight forward to fit?

Could be Dave, but this happens already on the first full speed lap, and if I brake just a little bit less (and earlier) 3rd gear slots in very smooth.

The more I think about it the more it seems like an adjustment, but I could be wrong.

The gearbox is not good. Try as you can (gear oil, cables, changer floor brace, engine mounts) the whole thing flexes. The gearbox case flexes. I just consider it a non-negotiable problem. (…and strengthened gears ,final drive, gearbox cooler…loads you could spend)

^^^^What he said^^^^^

It is the weak link in the car, I just live with sometimes not getting 3rd, slowing down my changes and lots of heal and toe usually makes it ok. I just run out of time on the way into rocket which is generally when it all goes wrong for me.

The 2 things I did to improve the gear selection were to install the LETSLA Kit from the states and also to fit the last generation gear selector assembly from the 2010 S2 Exige (or whatever the last one was they fitted) it’s available as an updated part number from Lotus. JCT Lotus in Leeds fitted mine and I’m not entirely sure what it consisted of but it even included the actual gear stick and nob!

I now have the smoothest gear change I’ve ever had and This is my third S2 Exige.

If it was your syncro gear, it would gave a slight grind (rumbling) EVERY time you shift into 3rd… by your description, it is not that! You can eliminate oil too for the same reason…all gears would act the same. In the Toyota C6x box, 2nd gear syncro is the weak one…it requires 2!!!

Linkage… that could be anything from you shift lever, cables or even your linkage on the gearbox itself. All 3 are weak in the Lotus! I’ve replaced my linkage with a LETSLA…very pleased with that and well worth it. If you don’t have it, get it. If you every got any moisture on your shift cables, the crimped on end will corrode and come loose…the cables are on the small side too. Simply Sports Cars in Australia make a great set of beefed up cable for the Lotus…quality stuff. If you don’t have that, get it…There is a “Sam’s” mod for the shifter on … It adds an other screw to the base of the shifter that stiffens it up… My CUP260 already came with that stiffening from the factory.

Adjustments…that’s another biggie… there is a centering spring on the stalk that needs to line up with the center of the gearbox… then adjust from there…

Had the same problem…even with so called “motorsport cables” was improved by freeing up corrosion at the. Gearbox end and better adjustment…even then it was never perfect. There is a gearstick assembly called Alutek or Aliteck which looks fantastic but pricy claims to fix the problem.
Good. Luck

Thanks guys,

A couple of really good suggestions there.
Considering that it is only 3rd (shift cable in tension and cross gate in neutral) and under max braking I will start with adjustment and see what that brings.
I’ll take a good look at the gearbox end and try to figure out what may get out of position when the engine rotates forward under braking.

The shifter certainly is pricey - £980 + vat !!
There’s got to be loads of CNC time to make one, and that explains the hefty price tag.
Not my cup of tea though - a bit too “custom”.

Wow, that Alitech is a serious looking piece of kit, you can see why it costs so much

That Alitech is way too much bling for me too…

I’ve seen one in a car recently, although it certainly looks well made I’d have to agree.

Bloody Hell! If it’s too bling for Jonny, then it must be shiny!!!