Gear Lever recall

More out of curiosity than anything, I’ve just put my VIN No. in on the Lotus recall page, and lo and behold, I’m due a gear lever.
Not sure how long this has been outstanding, as I thought it was only a batch that needed replacing and I’d got away with it, but neither Lotus or Chris Neils have been in touch.
So, if youve got an 04 S2 it might be worth checking. Will phone CN tomorrow and arrange something.

… as I thought it was only a batch that needed replacing

Yep, it was the complete batch of cars made prior to May 2005!

Chances are, if you are NOT the first owner it may have been done. If the top of your knob is held on with a grub screw (oh err ) and it’s an 04 car then I recon it’s been fetled already.

or just feel your shaft (double oo-er)… if its hexaganol its the old style, if its cylindrical its new…

Job done.

It was the old one (hex shaft) and was replaced FOC last week.

Took less than an hour to fit at CN’s with free coffee.

I now have a new shiny knob.