gallery/ reg

admin why cant i access the gallery or registar? the page comes up but no contents

yes, i have the same problem.

I get the message that I can’t edit my existing record as its expired :frowning:

Dave - just bringing this back up to the top again - i would like to add some details to my record and can’t edit the original post

The Register has vanished, so if anyone wants to send me their car info again, I’ll recreate it.

The Gallery has also vanished, but that was just a collection of Exige pics from around the web, so it’ll be no trouble recreating that.

You should still be able to edit your car’s profile Steve. I was able to edit it.

You should still be able to edit your car’s profile Steve. I was able to edit it.

Dave - I get the message "This post can no longer be edited because the maximum edit time has expired

Please use your back button to return to the previous page. " when I hit the edit button on my record - it is me doing something wrong?


Mr Admin doesn’t want you to see your entry, because you now appear to drive a …


Which Noble is that??!


register is still there
use the link on the right

I think this is what you mean


do you keep that at the back of your garage - definitely like the headlights


Cheeky bugger… mine’s got stripes