Fused right ankle- may have to sell my S1 Exige(Honda)

Hi all, not sure if this is in the correct section but anyway.
Iv’e just had my right ankle fused (in plaster for 10 + weeks) and not sure if I’m going to be able to drive my car as I want to drive it :cry: so I may have to sell and get something else - flappy paddle style maybe?
I wondered if anyone had this op done and if so how does it affect their full on hard track driving?
Any ideas, help would be appreciated.
Mark Funnell

I know nothing about Orthopaedics Mark but I will say this :

If Martin Donnolly can drive a Lotus (in the style he does) after his leg was behind his head after his accident at Jerez, then I reckon if you have the will power you WILL make it work!!

By the way watching you at CC in the LOT race and then the Special GT race (many years ago) has always stayed with me. In the mixed conditions you were utterly dominant, then as the track dried the pack of Radicals chasing you down,…epic :sunglasses: I’ll find that pic too that Taperell took of you in the lead, headlights blazing with Randy and Walshy trailing in a cloud of mist/rain. Also that vid of you starting at the back of the grid and carving to the front in about a lap is up there as one of the Lotus YouTube greats with along with that one of whoever it was from Bathurst.

Find a way and don’t give up would be my recommendation…

What Benja said :clap:

Thanks for replies. Yes that was one of my most enjoyable race days. Would love to keep car but will see how things progress and if anyone may be interested in a deal.

Good opportunity to fit a sequential and paddles ? :wink:

Now there’s an idea!

Good luck with your recovery Mark. Keep us up to date,…

You will regret it if you sell…I should know.

Any update Mark?

I noticed in our office that the LOT calendar from 2008 was knocking about,…excuse the shitty iPhone pic but this was the image I was talking about of you leading at the LOT CC race :sunglasses:

Also I just went and looked out that legendary vid of you carving through the field in that Open GT race. If you’ve not seen it, it is certainly worth a watch!!

Thanks Ben. I have had a couple of enquiries about car if I decide to sell but won’t make a decision until my plaster is off. Here’s another vid mixing it with some radicals if anyone’s bored-

Cheers Mark

Well I like track driving and often think of racing, but frankly I had one eye closed and heart in my mouth for the first 3 minutes of that and decided I definitely lack a. the skill and b. the required balls! That was TOUGH racing :clap:

Loved the video Mark. Friend of mine had ankle fused a couple of years ago. He’s back playing squash. More than I can manage on my dodgy knees.

Yes that was superb :clap: Had a knee op last year, limped for a year before and only one month after. Give it time, feels bang on now.

Loved that vid Mark, the competition at CC must groan when they see you pitch up in the paddock, you and that car are a formidable combination.

Hope it all comes good when the cast comes off…

Yeah, awesome vid Mark. Give it time mate. You must watch that vid and want to get back in the car!

It’s encouraging to hear positive results of those operations but I’ll have to wait and see what I can do with the plaster off. My right ankle is fused solid at roughly 90 degrees so will have to make some sort of adaption for throttle and brake (definitely no more heel and toeing though). I think semi auto could be the way as left foot braking is not a problem, so maybe just a simpl’ish throttle mod would do but I suspect the cost to fit one of these boxes to my car is going to be prohibitive?
Watching threw my vids is fun but just reminds me what I’m missing.
Thanks for all the encouragement though and any suggestions welcomed.