From the archive...

Some of you know my mate Tap from when we used to the photography for LOTRDC. He logged into an old printing service when he was in the office this week and unearthed some old shots from when he did the pics for our annual trackday in 2006. I thought some of you would like to see them and remember when they had more hair (Sean :laughing:)

I like this one, I think Con is deciding whether to yield to Rob’s Honda power,…and probably deciding not to :smiley:

Cool pics

Nice :smiley:

Ah, I remember it well.

I don’t remember it, but I wonder if my car was there? Exige 077, Titanium S1 on either it’s original plate X??? OJO, or S3 EXG…

Looks good, has it been repeated since?

Yes quite possibly the car was there, the gallery of the event has long since been deleted.

We ended up moving the annual event to Anglesey and have ended up staying there because it seems to work so well.

However, in good news, lots of us will be at Donny on Tue 6th October for the noisy day with Bookatrack.


Love love love that last picture… Just superb…

Who can spot Mr Admin?

Trust me, he is there :mrgreen:

He is stood next to the blonde bint on the right :ugeek:

He is stood next to the blonde bint on the right :ugeek:

Aka his missus.

Takes one to know one! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Aye, what’s my prize then?

A bag of 697Ok’s famous walnuts should do the trick.

I knew that… so here’s another conundrum - Why is Rob fondling me?

Just making sure your “enigma” was intact…or was it your “enema”? Ah well, $hit happens! :laughing: