Friends Wanted (Billy no mates)

Following an increase of Lotus vehicles in my area due to a new dealer in Heathfield (East Sussex) I was wondering if there are any Exige owners around the Tunbridge Wells area in Kent who would like to be my friend. My wife will only put up with me for so long regarding my un-healthy obsession with the car.
Look forward to hearing from anyone. Perhaps if there are alot of us we could have a party with jelly and icecream.



I’d travel for jelly and ice cream… But only as long as it’s red jelly, not green jelly!

No Probs with your chosen colour of jelly.

Might even try to get some of those hundreds and thousands.

By the way, how crap is a drive through McDonalds in an Exige !!!


And how many hundreds and thousands??? Are there HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS of them? Literally??? Wow!!!

Think I’ve only done it once and pretty much had to get out the car, sit on the sill and reach up… But then don’t really do McD’s anymore