Fri 29th April : Donny

It will have been over a month since Anglesey and I for one need to get out and let off some steam.

Donington with BAT, what better way to spend the last working day of the month!

  1. Benja

sadly I’m out, watching the pennies and too much on to get time to fix the CV

This is next Friday, seems to be loads of places. Currently just me and DaveP from exiges…come on its a FFFFriday, you deserve a day off.

ah I’m at a wedding too it seems!

Have fun bud,…Dave and I will be :smiley:

Come on anyone else??

I’ll be there…

Good news and welcome Ian. What will you be driving? Make sure you come and say hello, we’ll be in the garages down near all the Bookatrack BatCats.

It’s Ian with the green Caterham from Anglesey Ben. Lol he’ll be sharing your garage.

Haha perfect :clap: Good to see another Caterham owner on :smiley:

Seloc has Porsches…Exiges has Caterhams.

Haha yep!

I’ll keep my head down then :laughing:

Enjoy yourselves lads. Have a good one. :slight_smile:

Working late, a vomiting infant and a mild-case of man-flu meant I could not stick to my original plan of heading up the night before to arrive at the circuit nice and fresh. Instead I had a 3hour slog up the M1 on the morning and arrived at the circuit feeling like a zombie. The car was looking great though with its hard-door that Dave had sourced and its nosecone wrapped in blue. Owing to the Historics meeting this weekend there was lots of car porn lurking in the garages. Lola T70, Chevron, Lotus F1 with a Lambo V12, that kinda thing,…some serious machines owned/run by a completely different league of motorsport enthusiasts (obviously in funding terms not enthusiasm!). A few of the Historics were out on circuit, Big Healeys etc plus some elderly machines with elderly drivers going rather sedately.

So out on circuit for the first session and my fatigued state meant I was all fingers and thumbs,…jeez I felt like I’d completely forgotten how to drive the thing. I’ve never really driven the GP circuit in anger and I just could not get the braking/turn-in points for the bottom of the loop or joining the main circuit again anywhere near right. I was properly all over the place. I ended up going in waaaayy too hot in McLeans and in the kitty-litter ,…thankfully with enough control to keep the car moving and rejoin the circuit without a stoppage. Time to go back to the pits and have a serious word with myself,…and try to wake up. Later sessions improved mainly be just relaxing a bit. I have a tendency to overdrive the car constantly fighting it. Loosen the grip on the wheel, drop your shoulders, lighten your inputs, go in a bit slower and out harder,…ahhh that’s better and so much easier to get into the flowing rhythm of Donington Park.

Before I knew it was the final session. We headed out to a red flag in the pitlane and joined the queue with a couple of Caterhams in front of me and then a few more cars then Dave. I’d dispatched one Caterham down Craner’s and the other as we exited Old-Hairpin and I had the whole circuit clear in front of me. Time to get some distance between me and Dave who I was certain would be hunting me down. I was flying; relaxed and focussed, determined to make Dave work hard to reel me in. Down the pit straight and at the end of the pit lane…a chequered flag,…nooooo the fun was over.

Great to see everyone. Great company and great driving, roll on next time. Here’s a couple of pics…

Lots of this,…the impossible to shake off Mr Porter pushing me round the circuit.

Having some fun with Ian is his Supersport.

Great to get out again… your car looks so much better in that pic with the blue nosecone !

You are certainly getting quicker buddy… it’s not as easy to shake you off as it was !

Haha yes, getting there. You nearly had a permanent reminder of that blue nosecone on the rear of your car into Redgate on one lap :open_mouth:

Also great to meet Ian properly :thumbup: - you pedal that supersport very well buddy, look forward to sharing another trackday with you soon :smiley:

Yes second that! When the little bit of rain eroded the power difference I certainly was struggling to close the gap that had opened up,…after Dave span in front of me on the GP loop :laughing:

Wots dat?

Had you had fabric by your right elbow before now?

Another great report. What fun. You lucky boys.