Free Go Karting - Saturday!

I’m running a corporate go kart event on Saturday at Sandown. One of the teams has bailed at the last minute. Can field a team of three. I expect so. 4pm Saturday. Mail me [email protected] if you are interested.

Damn… would have loved to have been there… can’t make it sorry !

Come on lads - get yerselves into a team !

I’m up for a spot of karting. Have emailed you also.

Please count me in. have emailed you as well matt

Excellent. That Neil and Randy. One more?

I aslo have a mate that would like to do this, if no other exiges people can make it.
Matt i can confirm the 3rd place now if nobody can

Would have loved to go, but sadly am already booked up…

Thanks for the offer though


Need some details. I’ll e-mail you.


We’ve got one team. Could still in fill a couple of drivers if anyones up for it. Give me a call 07970 073169.

Well thank you very much again Matthew, a great evening.

Well boys, the team did itself proud, but in true Lotus fashion a technical hitch robbed us of our win!

We were two laps up with 10 mins of the 2 hours to go and a muppet pulled out in front of NeilA, the resulting manoeuvre caused him to be T-boned, ending up in a broken track rod. The fix lost us 2mins 40secs and we came third by less than 30secs.

Still no complaints from a free evening.

One thing it did prove, Randy (Chris) can drive! I guess that’s what playing about in old Group C racers does for you. We should all go to one of his races (if you’re going to LeMan cheer him on in the support race).


Big thanks to Matthew for inviting us along - it was a top event. I think us Lotus boys showed our metal with good consistent driving all round, shame we didn�t get the top spot which was almost in the bag.

For anyone interested in coming along to see some Group-C racing I have posted the calendar for the races in the �Meets + Track Day Reports� section.


cool for the dates i’ll have a look (shouldve done before posting this) but i guess they are all in the deep souf… ?