Frank's gin palace!

Nice one, mate! :sunglasses:

That is indeed a nice boat, it seems like everyone who meets him says he is a nice genuine guy as well :astonished:

They all lie or face walkin the plank… I gotta get me a plank… :smiley:

Thanks, I’ve had “ronin” [the wave tossed man] for the past 15 yrs. now.
I gotta tell ya, having a big boat and being a total car nutter is like having two mistresses, both being so freakin demanding and so worth the effort… :smiley:

If you guys are ever gonna make a trip out this way you have to stop by and go for a little cruise and canyon run…

Cheers Ronin - would be great take you up on your offer :slight_smile:

btw any pics of ‘Lotus Lady’ :wink:

Dude I’m not that kind of guy…

The freakin winds went from 5-45/50 kts like an invisible freight train as we went from 5-15 kts of boat speed with only the main…just off Paradise Cove.
I was too cool on the outside sayin shiet like, “isn’t this cool ?”, all the while on the inside I’m screamin like a little school girl “we’re gonna die…mommy”…