For Tim Marra

This made me think of you :smiley:

Just exactly how did you stumble across that webpage Pierre? Not exactly in the Budpest Bugle news.

Woollies are a rare species around our area :wink: haven’t had a lamb chop in nearly two years.

You can always spot a Cumbrian sheep by the shade of lipstick :wink:

some loverly photography there

Lovely, thank you very much :smiley:

The one on the left looks like she’s playing hard to get…what a tease! :mrgreen:

Do you use full height or ankle height wellies with herdwick sheep :laughing:

Tell me about it!! I miss lamb chops and coming home from work and roasting up a rack. One of the bigger things I miss from Oz.

Can’t remember what got me to that page but it screamed “Tim!” to me :laughing:

See you this Sat - I’ll email you :thumbup:

Yeah some nice pics there, someone who knows what they’re doing.

Another reason for the southern boys to head north. And I don’t mean for a bout of sheep shagging!

I might try and head up to the Lakes in May…half term is the last week in May.

They all scream Tim-BAAAA when they see me climbing over the fence into the field. Usually on a Saturday afternoon after one too many Sherries :unamused:


Were at Rockingham on the 24th of May with the Elise Trophy if you need to make a stop off somewhere to split up the journey :wink:


Brill - would be fantastic to see you (& others, of course) in the Lake District. Suggest you need to set aside 2 or 3 days to do some touring around…plus the sheep get very wary of Southerners at that time of the year :wink:

Be great to see you Benja and some of the other guys from darnsaft. We have plenty of pubs that sell real ale with lemonade :wink:

I see them ladies on my way to Workington daily now

Indeed, excellent bokem. :nerd:

They are standing around on a bridge Benja, it’s quite clear in the picture :unamused: