Brand new in the box. RS14.
Paid �140 for them, so would like �105 delivered.
Brand new in the box. RS14.
Paid �140 for them, so would like �105 delivered.
These are brand new - and having tried the front ones, they are superb!
Only selling as I have sold my car.
These are bloody good - buy them!
What are you getting…?
Another Jap car?
Not sure yet
Think the Evo will be going soon too. I will probably get a fast runaround and either a GTR or 360 modena, and hire stuff for the track (or just bum a passenger ride from you chaps )
Longer term i’d like another Exige though, prob one of those new black things.
If Jonny and I don’t go racing!
You could drive my car any day buddy…
Two things though I want either the 360 or the GTR for a bank holiday weekend and second be very careful with it as my car maybe too bloody quick for you not having one of those wussy gay super thingy’s on it
You can drive it anytime mate.
(up for the Pagid pads!)
Sold in 5 mins on Seloc
Yeah cus that lot don’t know any better!
cheers chaps.
I never go on that site - here is my Lotus home. I just don’t have a car now
A sad day, can’t wait to see the new toy though
This is a PF site