For Sale : Honda K20 Engine

Brand new , only run on the test dyno where a camshaft broke .

The engine is complete and includes Inlet manifold, throttle body, injectors, fuel rail, + all sensors on manifold, starter motor, exhaust manifold, water pump, pump idler, thermostat housing, flywheel, front top engine mount, crankshaft pulley, crankshaft sensor, cam sensor, rear vvc sensors, oil pressure switch, coolant temp sensors. Excludes gearbox .

Photos available of engine .

Full reciepts available .


Can you sent the pictures to [email protected]


Could be interested,

Can you mail me the details?

Scuffham AT Globalnet DOT co DOT uk

Fabian - I’ll send photos this evening when I get home .

Simon - what other details do you want exactly ?

who translated k20 in to your exige?

This engine still available? Is the camshaft still damaged or have you repaired it? Please email me on <[email protected]>. thanks