Fookin Rozzers - VERDICT ADDED

No Ban! :smiley:

After much grovelling and a (genuine) hardship plea the single presiding magistrate Mr Chalk (who is actually a district judge) said no ban. He did say 6 points though, plus £500 fine + £100 for costs and victim support.

Now here’s thee thing. I was told that if I waited 15 minutes the court would return my license. So I did. The license was returned with the points and hardship circumstance hand wrote on the paper slip. The 6 points were crossed out, initialled, and amended to just 3 points :open_mouth: The accompanying letter clearly confirmed 3 points :smiley:

Mistake or change of heart I don’t know, but to say i’m chuffed is an understatement. God bless Mr Chalk :angel:

I have checked this out with my solicitor & its all good :smiley:

Faith in the justice system is fully restored.

Excellent news and a sensible verdict, was what you did illegal, yes, was it different from what any other normal driver would have done, no.
Therefore 3 points is a sensible verdict :smiley:

The guidelines for 55 in a 30 are 6 point or a 42 day ban. In my case a 6 MONTH ban under totting up. I am one very lucky boy.

Fortunately they are guidelines not rules, that allows sensible people to make good choices :wink:

Did Sherman get the first round in last night?

He did. Picture to follow.

He may be still hungover celebrating freedom !!

Congratulations! (well if you know what I mean, seeing as it was a better outcome than expected!)

Three points! That’s an even better result. Common sense and His Hon Mr Justice Chalk prevail.
As you say, faith fully restored.

Sensible result. Personally, I’d have pleaded for deportation until at least the end of The Ashes series.

Great performance by the sounds of it :wink: :clap:

Kiss arse :mrgreen:

Indeedy. Thanks all, i’m still celebrating :smiley:

Chuffed for ya Tim

Thanks :thumbup:

Great news Tim! So pleased for you mate! :clap:

As for the Ashes… no point in running guys… PMSL at this!! :laughing:

Cheers Pete.

Fair play mate

Cheers Sean

Great news Tim, as you say faith restored. Get yourself booked into Anglesey then :smiley: