After much grovelling and a (genuine) hardship plea the single presiding magistrate Mr Chalk (who is actually a district judge) said no ban. He did say 6 points though, plus £500 fine + £100 for costs and victim support.
Now here’s thee thing. I was told that if I waited 15 minutes the court would return my license. So I did. The license was returned with the points and hardship circumstance hand wrote on the paper slip. The 6 points were crossed out, initialled, and amended to just 3 points The accompanying letter clearly confirmed 3 points
Mistake or change of heart I don’t know, but to say i’m chuffed is an understatement. God bless Mr Chalk
I have checked this out with my solicitor & its all good
Excellent news and a sensible verdict, was what you did illegal, yes, was it different from what any other normal driver would have done, no.
Therefore 3 points is a sensible verdict