First post, and a question

Hi folks

I’ve been lurking about for a while…I like the forum. It’s great to see an Exige specific forum on the net.

I wish though that there were sections for US-cars with the Toyota motor. Unless I’ve missed them? The index only shows honda/duratec/rover/audi motor’d cars.

Anyway, cool place. Hope to see it continue to grow.


it might be because the Toyota is the default engine

well except for some S1’s, but nobody cares about them

As Exigeboy said, the “S2 section” covers the Toyota engined variants. You have posted in the ‘general’ section- see two sections down from this one and I’m sure all your dreams will come true!!

Enjoy- it’s a fun and useful site.


I presume that you are a member of

If not, suggest you join as it is the best resource site for US owners (although our friend Frank, is personna non gratis there!)

(although our friend Frank, is personna non gratis there!)

Hey did they catch him or what? What do you mean he is not a free person?

Hey did they catch him or what? What do you mean he is not a free person?

I wouldn’t possibly dare reply on his behalf - he’s perfectly capable of standing his own corner

PS My original post should have read “personna non grata”

There you go again Del boy

PS My original post should have read “personna non grata”

I know hence my post.

Actually, if we’re being picky, it should be ‘persona non grata’. My mother was a teacher…