
Well the day finally arrived and I picked up my S2 with PP, TP, AC and lightweight alloys in starlight black

First impression from the previous motor (Boxster) is all positive. Bit of a swine getting in and out but comfier seating position than the Box. Power is immense, even though I’m still running in you can feel that it just wants to go so roll on 700 miles and an oil change! AP Racing brakes are wicked. First junction I braked as I normally would and the car stopped in a flash albeit about 20 yards short of the junction but I’m sure they’ll come in handy post run-in.

Needs a bit of a detail and I’ll be fitting a few bits ‘n’ bobs next week but will post some piccies after that.

I have one nearly same spec (no TP), also black, also in Aberdeenshire near Banchory, delivered start of this month. You were spotted on Scottish Elises I think (as it was not me).
SE Website


Graeme from MM mentioned he had delivered an almost identical one up to Banchory. I’m West of Ellon but I don’t think there will be many about up here so if yu seem passing give me a flash!

Apprently mine is the first with PP and TP. Went for the TP for the leather interior and sound proofing. Seems to work as I wouldn’t consider it much noisier that the Box.

Can’t wait to get the run-in period over with and give it the berries!