Fifth Gear! Wow!!!!

McLaren F1 LM and Enzo!!! As a massive Mcaren fan, to see one like this was amazing, mindblowing!!! did anyone see this? what a car!!! surely this would blitz top gear track times!!!

Loved seeing Tiff drive the F1 on the road!
And the pilot in the Exige S was a nice bit of fun as well.

Maclaren F1 was so much better than the Enzo. Loved the fuel pumps toggle , however… HOW MUCH FOR A SERVICE?

I think the servicing costs for the Enzo were somewhat conservative.

Guy who owns the Macca and Enzo lives in Barnsley - he uses 'em too

I’m not quite sure how’re an investment with that level of upkeep!

I the Macca is lovely though.

For some reason the throwing around of Exige made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Seemed more like something they should have been doing in a Scooby.


Nooooooooo! I missed it! Is it repeated at any point?

At the weekend usually I believe.

saturdays, mid morning normally i think.

Thanks guys. I always miss 5th gear as we don’t get channel 5 round 'ere!

We couldn’t get Channel 5 until we got a set top box - only about �60. You can then access a huge no of digital channels (60+), most of which are complete rubbish, but you can get channel 5 and a few other interesting channels. Best of luck.