Feeling a bit nostalgic

So I had a read through Con’s thread today, I do every now and then, helps me remember him. I also had a read through a few of the Mike Stripe’s threads for the same reason. Two top blokes that I’m sure we all miss. It took me a while to find Mike’s threads as we never made one of them a sticky like we did with Con and I think we should stick Mike at the top of the General section next to Con. What do people think? Also which thread as there were a few?

Agreed, maybe sticky a thread with links to a few of his more threads?

I think it will be important to get the consent of his family for this.


I think Carol would be very happy with us remembering him and don’t feel the need to ask her.

I’ll try and have a look for threads later.

So you have never heard of courtesy then? Carol may well be touched by the gesture, but she should be asked all the same.