Fecking Peugeot

Bloody brake light came on the van today warning of low brake fluid level, checked and sure enough level is at minimum.
Thinking its a little odd I bought fluid topped up and figured dealer monkeys did not check it at the last service, two hours later light is back on…
Phone dealer and they agree to look at it due to the nature of the problem, one hour later they tell me they cannot let me drive it as the brake line has split.
Its two years old and the brake line has split, I’v had an engine mount let go and the clutch feels like it could be on the way out.
I would not mind I swear I drive it like my gran. I’m off the road now until they can get it fixed tomorrow.
I’m never buying French shite agan.

Rant over, thanks for listening.

Boothy - drop me a pm with your number and I’ll see what I can to help as I work for Peugeot :slight_smile: which dealer are you using ?

TBH you can have these issues with any manufacturer, although being French its more likely :wink: I believe they call them ‘Friday cars’ - Nick Whale once told me I had a ‘Friday Elise’ which is why the roof didn’t fit properly.

Good lad Con.

Let’s turn it into a moaning thread…

I’ve had a shite dealer experience with my Ford last week. After completely trouble free motoring my S-Max went in for its routine service to my local Ford Service Centre. I drive it the next day and yep the check engine warning comes on :angry: I take it back to them and after having to chase them they say I can pick it up. After no apology and a bullshit excuse, he brings round the car. As I drive it away I look down and there is now a new warning light (tyre pressure monitoring failure), I’m so pissed off I opt to not go back straight away. The next day the check engine warning light comes on again :angry: Now I have to find the time to take it to a different dealer who might actually know what they’re doing…muppets.

Shame as the S-Max has been great otherwise.

So it isnt just my Audi that is going wrong then.
Just out of warranty and 2 warning lights come on and dealer wants �1540 for some part or other. After telling them would be last car I would be buying from Audi and wife wouldnt be buying another TT they reduced price by 50%.
That will teach me for not get shot before the warranty expires.

Today I had a good dealer experience. Mondeo went in for a service 10k miles overdue. Dealer phones me with a long list of faults meaning they need to keep it a day or two longer. Result! This week I will be driving the exige for600 miles or so.


Absolutely - especially as most manufacturers source their component parts from an ever reducing number of suppliers meaning different brands are often fitted with “similar” parts :wink: True there remain variables such as how the things are screwed together and of course how good a job the dealers do.

As usual thinking I’m clever , I buy a Jap car for reliability … A Toyota Yaris …
Reliable ??
Oh no …
When temps drop to -5 or so it stops with a Mil light to keep me company !
When roads are gritted the ABS light comes on !
Had to change a headlight bulb today … handbook depicts a 2 minute job …oh no … over an hour , … fuse box off , airfilter off , battery off … even then you are left working blind ???

Phew that’s better … steam gone …

Guess where the Yaris is made ?

Ps if we’re turning this into a moaning thread can we change the title :smiley:
How’s about fecking Rover ?

[quote=ConMcL]Ps if we’re turning this into a moaning thread can we change the title :smiley:
How’s about fecking Rover ? [/quote]
Lol … ask me a question ?
I worked at Longbridge for 3 years !!

BLOODY FRANCE !! [/quote]
That’s why I drive a french car made in Romania… Nighmare of the Renault dealers as they are (almost) never in trouble (must be because using a minimal electronics and 2-5 years old conception parts)

[quote=ConMcL]Ps if we’re turning this into a moaning thread can we change the title :smiley:
How’s about fecking Rover ?[/quote]

Indeed. I’ve got a fog light out at the moment.

I know Rover’s aren’t the most exciting, but they’re pretty reliable, especially the Honda-based models and the T-series engine.

Well I am sat at home (should be working) and I am off down to the dealers in a while to sit and wait. Could be all day…


Fee’s Jeep Grand Cherokee let go a load of transmission oil Thursday evening. Guy came out within 1 hour, said not to drive it. Next morning the car was loaded, taken back to Wolverhampton and was ready for collection 4pm that day. The breakdown number was manned by the most excellent and charming of people. The service from Drayton Merc/Dodge/Jeep/ was 1st rate and the car was cleaned. I love this Jeep, the Q7 was shocking, went through a full set of tyres once a year without fail, the outer walls :angry: Half a year out of warranty I�d had the bluetooth fixed, Sat Nav fixed and load more MMI issues sorted…This Jeep is loaded and I mean �everything� and the best VFM vehicle we have every purchased…a bonus has got to be the large fat tyres that look like they�ll last forever and never get near a kerb :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

She�d like an RCZ next lol or as well Con :smiley:

A big thanks to Con for his help and I must say Perrys performed (quite unusual) the van was ready for 9:30 this morning which in fairness I cannot fault.
I would love to know what caused the fault though. Split brake lines is a slight worry.


Jonny RCZ is a nice car (very nice inside), not sure I would spunk that cash on one though even though it looks like good value against a TT.

I guess she’s done the Audi thing. Engines look good and she’s no fast driver…it looks cool a fook imo. Anyway I know a guy :wink: who’ll be getting a call in 2012 :smiley:

Ok then guys I’ll do some group personal leases on RCZ’s :smiley:
They hold there values soooo well that they are top value on a lease :slight_smile:

In all seriousness, if she likes it johnny give me a shout :wink:

You know I will :smiley:

My Pug 107 did 48K miles in 3 years - replaced front disks & pads/clutch towards the end of ownership in 2009, which I thought was okay, bearing in mind that 2 of my kids had also been using it! Normal running costs were FA, & I thought the car was bloody fantastic - did exactly as advertised, never let me down, & was cheap as chips to run.

Whilst on a “French” note, I swapped the Pug for a Clio 197 Cup, which unfortunately I had to get rid of after 12 months for financial reasons. The Clio was probably the best “out of the box” car I’ve ever owned - superb on both road & on track.