FAO : Bertone!

Looks like the market’s picking up mate!

Or just optimism?

Not thinking of selling are you Alex

PS Why have you not booked on for Donington? Bring ya old fella too - should be some of his racing buddies there on the day

Nice exige, really like Azure blue-havn’t hered from Julian for a few weeks hope he is ok

Mr. P. - I’m not thinking of selling (not in this lifetime anyway!). It’s just that Julian is the resident S1 market analyst here. I hope he’s not been playing with his battery again!

Not registered for Donnington as thought it was too late and already booked up with L-o-T for a few this year… However…

Hello chaps…im back!

Its been a torrid time for me lately!

Pesky and Russ took me to their North West meet, then the next day I was SACKED for allegedly making a Politically Incorrect Remark which a member of the public overheard as they walked past a TV compound I was working in, they wrote to the company I was working for and without checking out the complainants details, I was SACKED!

To cut a long story short, the comment I allegedly made was about a local rival football team…whilst I was working at a football ground, to which the upset supporter having just had his team get stuffed took umbridge to and made a complaint!

It turns out that, after painstaking research from me, that the complainant is a patient in a nearby mental hospital!!!

Suffice to say that I have now been reinstated and am back in the land of the living!

So thanks first of all to Pesky and Russ for a great night, to all of the Exigers I met that night and to Nath and all of the others who have shown concern at my lack of activity on here.

Bertone is back!


Good news Glad that you & your job is all ok.

See you at Donny??? I’d love to see the beast again


Thanks Tim, im off to the World Cup in June so im taking an early holiday and it straddles Donny unfortunately so I wont be there!
Some other time though!

Hi Julian, was going to text you if you hadn’t shown up on here by the end of the week! to be honest I thought you must be out in India with the cricket. Bad news on the job sense, but glad it is sorted for you! If the team you are talking is who i think, I will be visiting there Stadium of xxxxx on Monday for the derby!


Thanks Nath, watch it though, I might write to your employer and get you sacked!!!

Has this Political Correctness gone mad or what???

You cant even comment about your local football rivals whilst attending a football match now without some crackpot taking offence!

What next…???

Yeah - it’s not like you called the supporter a mentalist or anything!
Did you hear Tiger Woods was reprimanded for saying he was “Putting like a Spaz”… Made me laugh. He didn’t get sacked though…

Good to have you back Bertone.

Thanks Alex.

Youre right, my alleged remarks were made in a private conversation to a colleague inside a fenced off TV compound…to which he shouldnt have been listening!!!

I heard about Tiger…you literally cant say anything these day without some tw@t trying to get you sacked!!!

Anyway, while ive been away im hoping the S1 prices have been appreciating although I see theres a few sub �20k ones on the Autotrader site at the moment!

Anyway, thanks again for your kind words.

Good to see you back Bertone…I was thinking we hadn’t heard from you for a while…Glad you managed to get your job back.

[No offence, but] LOL!

Which I guess I can as it all turned out ok. Hope you’re over it.

You sued the [insert perferred politically incorrect insult here] for deformation of character yet?


Thanks Andy, the most worrying part about it was that I would have had to see the Exige!!!

[No offence, but] LOL!

Which I guess I can as it all turned out ok. Hope you’re over it.

You sued the [insert perferred politically incorrect insult here] for deformation of character yet?


Dont worry we can all laugh at it now, in fact one of my mates made a mock up Newcastle Evening Chronicle with the front page headline saying…


and the accompanying story wrote of how I had become a millionaire overnight with all of the donations to me from Geordies who also hate Sunderland!!!

Theres probably only Nath on here who understands all of this but I became a LOCAL HERO for having an alledged jibe over our greatest local rivals and loosing my job over it!

fantastic - one in the eye for the PC brigade!

Hi Julian

I’ve just got back from a week’s hols, so only now catching up with your story.

That’s an absolutely appalling way for an employer to behave - I’m presuming you are an employee, rather than a self employed contractor! Anyway, glad it’s now behind you

Glad you enjoyed your evening out in Bolton - you must let us now when you’re next in the area

Hi Julian

I’ve just got back from a week’s hols, so only now catching up with your story.

That’s an absolutely appalling way for an employer to behave - I’m presuming you are an employee, rather than a self employed contractor! Anyway, glad it’s now behind you

Glad you enjoyed your evening out in Bolton - you must let us now when you’re next in the area

Thanks Rob,

Im actually simply self employed without a contract so all they would say is that they dont want to use me anymore and dont need to give a reason, thats one reason I didnt try and sue them, the other being that as theyre my main source of work, id NEVER work for them again if I did sue!

Anyway the status quo prevails and thanks again to you, Russ and the other lads for being so hospitable!

Hope you enjoyed your holidays!


…id NEVER work for them again if I did sue!

I’ve actually pulled that off!


…id NEVER work for them again if I did sue!

I’ve actually pulled that off!


That was brave…if I didnt have an addiction to cars, beer, women and football I might have followed suit!