extended warranty?

does anyone know if Lotus offer an extended warranty plan? it struck me - I’m planning to swap my s2 in december when the 2 year warranty runs out - wouldnt be necessary if I could extend it for another year (or 2) by paying something to Lotus…

I don’t think Lotus have an extended warranty scheme. Curious to know why you would want to chop the car in just because it will be out of warranty - have you had a lot of problems with it? I thought these S2s were supposed to be reasonably reliable - mine has been pretty well faultless so far, but perhaps that is just good luck.


does anyone know if Lotus offer an extended warranty plan? it struck me - I’m planning to swap my s2 in december when the 2 year warranty runs out - wouldnt be necessary if I could extend it for another year (or 2) by paying something to Lotus…

You’re not being serious are you???

Good, I thought not!

totally serious

no major problems yet, just enjoy being able to drop the car off and have all manner of things fixed for free

rattles, squeaks, vibrations…new stage 2 exhaust when mounts snapped

dont fancy being on the end of the bill if the engine/gearbox goes pop

(secretly i want to chop it in for an 06 model so that i can get a cup holder)

Two year warranty? You don’t drive it much then do you? I always get to the 20K limit long before the time is up.

bot it august 1st last year with 1700 on the clock, now has close to 7000… so not too much, not too little

There’s such a thing as “too much”?

Your not exactly getting it fixed for free when you look at the @rse slapping you get in depreciation on a new car.

The manufacturers warranty is pretty reasuring for track day fun though


I recon a dealer might sell you another year for a price �����
Really think you would be better putting the money in your piggy bank just incase its not exactly a TVR is it.

now that’s what I call risk adverse

if you look at it another way, if so much has gone wrong and been replaced then it should be good for another year on its own…and don’t forget that anything done should carry its own warranty commencing from when it was fitted rather than the whole car expiry date

I think some depreciation vs maintenance calcs are in order! You must be mad…

I think some depreciation vs maintenance calcs are in order! You must be mad…

Sounds about right

The manufacturers warranty is pretty reasuring for track day fun though

Do they definately cover everything for track work? For instance, I’d be surprised if Mr Palmer could the claim for everything for any cars he took for his days.


[ I’d be surprised if Mr Palmer could claim for everything for any cars he took for his days.


I’d be surprised also - there may be a difference between a commercial purchase and a domestic warranty. I’d also expect Palmer to have the labour in-house for the repairs so maybe in exchange for the labour/parts warranty they get an additional cash discount.

I am pretty sure your not covered on track. I rememeber having a conversation with a dealer and he said due to the readable ecu it would be possible for Lotus to revoke a claim due to excessive revving of the engine. Obviously this is most likely to happen on track.


I am pretty sure your not covered on track. I rememeber having a conversation with a dealer and he said due to the readable ecu it would be possible for Lotus to revoke a claim due to excessive revving of the engine. Obviously this is most likely to happen on track.


Then you sue them to hell and back given that the cars are advertised on their very trackability.

I am pretty sure your not covered on track. I rememeber having a conversation with a dealer and he said due to the readable ecu it would be possible for Lotus to revoke a claim due to excessive revving of the engine. Obviously this is most likely to happen on track.


Then you sue them to hell and back given that the cars are advertised on their very trackability.

This is a fare point but I think a lot of the manufacturers do not cover track use including Sabura,Mitsubishi,BMW. Wasn’t this a big issue a couple of years ago as track days became more popular.


Yes some of them explicitly excluded trackdays but Lotus never did.

It does not really matter where you lunch your engine, what matters is what causes it. I do agree that there is more potential to do it on the track though

Caterham certainly use to excluded it, technically if not practically at any rate.
