Exiges now upgraded?

Woohoo! Thanks for this Admin5, you’ve just enhanced Exiges tenfold!

Missed my Exiges fix whilst the site was down and I’m so happy I can load up pictures directly.

Thanks Dave for continuing to host the site :slight_smile:

Great that we’re back online. Just in time to post details of the 2018 event.

It may be a quiet corner of the internet but so many friendships and good-times have been forged through this forum, long may it continue.

Mega :sunglasses:

Great Dave thanks for your work on the site. :clap:

Nice looking cuppa!

(Admin… selecting ‘quote’ is not picking up the photo image… which includes that ‘cuppa’!)

Can we enable emoticons that appear on ios/Android?

I’ll probsbly be hated for suggesting that!!

Hello all …
I’m still stalking you

Just checking!

Thanks Dave for all your hard work. It’s much appreciated

I’m not sure if it’s possible, but any chance the upload/file limit can be increased above 2mb?

Try now :angel:

Error: ‘The image must be at least 0 pixels wide, 0 pixels high and at most 3000 pixels wide and 3000 pixels high. The submitted image is 4032 pixels wide and 3024 pixels high’.

Sorry to be a pain, but looks like the pixel size limit may be causing issues now!

Kevin, better to resize your pictures before uploading them. 2mb and 3000 pixels should be plenty. Too big images will not show up nicely, waste too much server space plus bandwidth and slow down loading of the page.
1200 x 900 pixels should be big enough.

Yer, no problem if it’s a storage issue. I’m sure there’ll be a simple app I can download to reduce the size of my photo’s :slight_smile: