Exiges GT3 grid

Lots of exciting cars in the GT3 class this season.

Just so you know I’ll be lining up on the grid in the Huracan GT3.

Oooh, was going to blow my budget and join you and then spotted this.

What! You’ve selected a special edition 911? That’s not a GT3. Man-up and select a proper car.

But it was pretty.

Like it :sunglasses: I was tempted by the Macca but decided I wanted something really lairy :sunglasses:

Now who is gonna pitch up in the Bentley…

I’m going retro, having seen them run at Silverstone :wink:

Rob’s pit garage will be the only one with a carpenter :laughing:

I’m in…

That is awesome Dave,… Now THAT is a GT3 car :sunglasses:

Oh hold on,…it’s just an artist’s impression. Mate, get your money out, you’ve been sold a dream…it does not exist.

No…it’s happening I think…

An example of them in GT2 (and a great finish!)

Exciting GT2 finish at Laguna Seca - YouTube

Move outta the way plebs!

:laughing: someone was gonna pitch up in the Bentley.

I’m surprised you changed brand allegience, I was expecting you to pitch up in this :

[quote=“DaveP”]An example of them in GT2 (and a great finish!)

Exciting GT2 finish at Laguna Seca - YouTube[/quote]

Just watched this…awesome stuff, proper racing. Laguna Seca looks like fun too. Thanks for posting that!

I’m going with GM, if you look really closely you’ll see it, it’s there, it’s just hard to see…

Always love an Aston

WHAT is that Pug 206 JF?

Funny this, but in the connected world we live in its easy to track down the dude who made that 206. On his photobucket gallery are lots more pics of this car, his wife,…all kinds of shit,… and a picture of Martin Edwards’ Exige! We leave big digital footprints I tells ya…

Is it a Pug 206, I couldn’t tell as it’s hard to see lol edit especially in an urban environment!

This is more like it :sunglasses:

Nice choice Tim - Japanese Super GT :sunglasses:

I wonder how much Evora there is in the car beyond the doors,roof, windscreen and lights?