Exiges Eastern Europe club meet

Yep, the two of us met up this weekend…in my garage. :slight_smile:

Pierre (series_one) kindly offered to come over to Slovakia and help me refit the clam shell after I fitted the new pro alloy radiator. It was a great help and far more fun working on the car with a like minded Exiger than doing it on your own.

After a pleasant lunch in the sun at a Kosice street cafe it was time for an afternoon test drive. I took pierre for a tour of my favorite local back roads in the hills and forests. There’s an amazing combination of B roads round here with tight hairpins, flowing esses and straights down the deserted valleys. Finishing off with a descent of Jahodna FIA hill climb route.

This time last year we were on the Transalpina and Transfaragasan. Although we haven’t had the chance to do another epic trip so far this year it was brilliant to catch up with another Exiger out here and enjoy some spirited driving.

At the end of the day I was slightly regretting that I’m driving an SC Elise rather than my old Exige. Not due to lack of performance or handling…but because for a person with my hair color and skin complexion 34C temperatures and blue sky has left me with a face like a baboons ass :blush:

Brilliant stuff, guys :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Great stuff. Europe is the place to be for Exigers.

I get the feeling someone is beckoning my European touring to go further East someday
We will be near Salzburg in September

Keep us posted if you’re heading out this way. I was thinking of rescheduling our summer road trip to September, work permitting. It would be great to meet up.

Just noticed this!

We had a great time with Wes! Late night drive over from Budapest (sorry for arriving at 1:30am!) was ok bar the first bit outside Budapest. It’s embarrassing (for a HU fan) how bad the HU roads are near the SK boarder but otherwise simple trip. Exciting part is passing “HELL” near the border :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue: a newly named road/area where a Hungarian has set up an energy drink company with that name. I wanted a photo but both times be passed it was night and too dark for a decent Lotus in Hell photo.

We had some fun putting the clam back on the Elise SC, why is it always the last bolts that are missing?! How Wes managed to get it off alone without damaging anything amazed me. Being an expat certainly has its perks, Wes’s place is American style epic with a brilliant big garage and pool.

I remember when the big move was happening and the thread here on exiges about shall I keep the race car or not, now its clear that CEE region has alot of great Lotus roads. We had alot of fun hammering around a very decent 2-3hour route of hills and tree covered ascents and decents, and I got to properly try out the newly uprated suspension and clutch on the Evora. It’s always great to drive with Wes and despite the heat it was really enjoyable. Passing right through the middle of a very very poor Roma/gypsy village felt more ‘interesting’ than similar in Hungary. Universally though kids and adults waved and smile at the Loti.

It will be great to do our next Exiges Eastern Europe club trip without Miss double D’s mums birthday on the Sunday! Two years in a row now lol. Roll on September - come on and meet us in Italy and Austria! Looks like Wes and I go 12 - 15 Sept currently. sjw??

Where are those bolts eh?

Back in May Wes helped us plan a trip to the main mountain ski area of Poland. The drive there was good. The drive back was in places really good - fantastic smooth freshly tarmac’d flowing ascents and descents through forests that made for some seriously quick fun in rain. The bits in red on the west are the return trip high points.

Unfortunately it looks like we’ll just miss each other. :frowning:
We are staying overnight in
Hallstatt on Saturday 19th Sept
Malta (the Austrian valley, not the Med island) on Sunday 20th
Canezei on Monday 21st