exiges.com windscreen sticker

  1. Ade
  2. Testdriver (2x)
  3. Scoob
  4. Collieek
  5. osmond1
  6. Rez (Kevin)
  7. SimonE (2x)

Deleted Mr Podger and added myself

I have a mate that does stickers, so I will get a quote off him to compare with anyone else’s quotes. Are we just looking for a black sticker with the logo on it in white?

What depth are we looking for?

Anyone measure there Lotus one for Sean and I? I can measure the font/letters on an old Peskey supplied one I have stuck on my garage wall…

Suggest you make the backing strip depth 6". This can then be trimmed whilst fitting to suit the individual eg shortarses like me will want a deeper sunstrip, than lanky SimonE :wink:

What was the length Pesky? and does someone have the artwork for the logo??

Can’t remember, sorry, Sean. Suggest about 2" longer than each side of the windscreen.

Lanky - I’ve been called worse :slight_smile:

Lanky - I’ve been called worse :slight_smile:[/quote]

Impossible - you’re from Yorkyshire :wink:

Lanky - I’ve been called worse :slight_smile:[/quote]

Impossible - you’re from Yorkyshire :wink: [/quote]


Yes please x 1

  1. Jonnyfox
  2. Ade
  3. Testdriver (2x)
  4. Scoob
  5. Collieek
  6. osmond1
  7. Rez (Kevin)
  8. SimonE (2x)
  9. JohnD

Yes please for me also. I will take 2.

  1. Jonnyfox
  2. Ade
  3. Testdriver (2x)
  4. Scoob
  5. Collieek
  6. osmond1
  7. Rez (Kevin)
  8. SimonE (2x)
  9. JohnD
  10. BenBB x 2 …then

By way of comparison there’s this ebay site selling these:


  1. Jonnyfox
  2. Ade
  3. Testdriver (2x)
  4. Collieek
  5. osmond1
  6. Rez (Kevin)
  7. SimonE (2x)
  8. JohnD
  9. BenBB x 2

Sorry guys…changed my mind

i think thats the lotus one i bought… you will need a small neck if you are over 6ft…

I dont need a new sunstrip unfortunately, but is there any chance of producing some Exiges.com stickers while the sunstrips are being made?? I certainly be up for a batch of them.

[quote=MarkS2s]I dont need a new sunstrip unfortunately, but is there any chance of producing some Exiges.com stickers while the sunstrips are being made?? I certainly be up for a batch of them.

NOW THAT’S A REALLY GOOD IDEA !!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Plus one…

  1. Jonnyfox
  2. Ade
  3. Testdriver (2x)
  4. Collieek
  5. osmond1
  6. Rez (Kevin)
  7. SimonE (2x)
  8. JohnD
  9. BenBB x 2
  10. Wi11 EXG

[quote=MarkS2s]I dont need a new sunstrip unfortunately, but is there any chance of producing some Exiges.com stickers while the sunstrips are being made?? I certainly be up for a batch of them.

Will ask the question, I’ll be picking this up next month. Need to get some project deadlines out the way.