Exiges.com Shop

Just had a thought - came out of nowhere . . .just wondered after the recent influx of new members whether they were aware of the delights contained within the exiges.com shop

Don’t miss out, great bargains to be had, you’ll need a T-shirt for Anglesey . . . all in a good cause

Yes the shop is still there with all profits into our charity pot!

I actually have a new design in the pipe that I hope to have finished for Anglesey,…not enough hours in the day.

Just took a look at the site to remind myself of all the goodies and bought a baby-gro for grand-daughter, Cecily. Hope it fits!

Looking forward to new design . . .

Too busy buying new cars? LOL

It better not look like this!..


…and Ade it’s the protracted deliberation process that takes the time for me, many a journey/evening spent browsing PH classifieds.