Exiges.com keyrings

Yep, it’s a thing

You lot best start buying stuff and representing


Keyrings and sticker ordered! I’m too tall for the sunstrip :joy:
Thanks for organising :+1:t2:


To all the other people who haven’t bought anything yet, please buy a little something for Dans time investment and also to help get this great community back on the map

Keying and sticker ordered! :+1:
@TitaniumDan, thanks mate :+1:

@andybond, some new t-shirt designs would be good :+1:

Also ordered keyring and stickers… Good to support the community :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone! Much appreciated :heart:


Key ring and stickers bought. Thanks :+1:

Arrived already! Awesome service, Dan!

Just delivered, thanks Dan! :+1:

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My order arrived in no time. Really impressed with quality and service

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