Exiges.com Charity 2016

In 2014 we raised £750 for Con’s charity ‘Thrombosis UK’ through the sale of T-Shirts/Mugs etc and the pax fees. Great result which was really appreciated by the charity.

At last year’s event we raised £270 from pax fees which a few of us thought should go towards Cancer Relief. Time slips by and almost a year has passed and the cash has sat in my drawer doing no good whatsoever.

Feeling guilty about my lack of activity as de-facto charity-fund treasurer I though it was time to do something about it.

Firstly, we should raise a similar amount again from pax fees so the first £500 should be easy.

Secondly I should then be able to bolster anything raised through a scheme I have access to with my employer.

My other idea was to try and harness the goodwill in the community that is so often seen with the liberal sharing of parts and services. Many times small parts or favours are done without exchange of funds but with the promise of ‘I’ll buy you a pint’ when I see you. Instead I thought we could have a ‘chuck a donation on the exiges.com justgiving page instead’. So here it is :

Ben Phillips is fundraising for Cancer Research UK

To get the ball rolling I’ve had some exiges.com stickers printed by BobVanM off of Seloc. They are top quality cut-vinyl, 20cm wide and I have 50xblack and 50xsilver in stock. They’ll be for sale Anglesey or alternatively make a donation on the justgiving page and I’ll dispatch them to you. I’m suggesting that they are £5 each with free P&P. Every single penny goes direct to charity so if you want to donate more then fill-your boots! Also, SeanB said that he’d bring any remaining stickers/sunstrips to Anglesey.

If you want them dispatched then post here or pm me and make sure you use your exiges.com username and make some reference to stickers in the comments parts of the donation form so I can reconcile it all. Don’t put your address or anything on the justgiving.com site, we’ll exchange that via pm/email.

Any one else got any other ideas? I’ll provide the http://www.exiges.com artwork to anyone that wants it. We’ve gotta be able to crack £1000 easy this year eh!

Excuse the shitty iPhone pic

Great idea, Ben. Do you ever have any time for work, family, recreation?

I think this is the escape from at least the first two!

Yes Tim’s correct. Pretty full-on job and 3x Young kids,…cars, trackdays and a few mins here and there to do stuff for the club, is what keeps me sane enough to try and be effective in my main duties.

In fairness it was actually Muu’s idea.

He extremely kindly made up and fitted a fuel/CC relay setup. He suggested instead of paying him that I put some cash on the charity pile. I found an alternate way of expressing my gratitude but the idea stayed with me. I used what I planned to donate to buy the stickers :thumbup:

I have some Exiges.com stickers and some screen strips that I will contribute to the course for sale at Anglesey.

I’ll take 2 of each colour Ben

Sean I’d love a screen strip! Fitting a new windscreen as part of the be build.

No problem, anyone you know coming to anglesey or do want me to pop them in the post?

In the post please Ben.

Sean, put me down for a screen strip please and some stickers please Ben!

Bit of an update :

BAT added £998 for the trackday surfeit places and pax fees.
I’ve banked the £225 I gathered from sticker sales and other contributions on the day
I’ve banked the £270 from the 2015 pax fees (that have been sitting in my drawer)

Current total is £1563

I have a LOT of stickers left so need to find a better way of taking your money and getting you stickers. Everyone needs a www.exiges.com sticker for the Exige/Car/Van/Computer/etc…

Great result so far, I reckon £2k raised this year is achievable eh!

Done, thanks Ben

Cheers bud, let me know what HM says :sunglasses:



I forgot to buy any stickers at Anglesey, too much fun in the sun. I will give you £20 for one of each. Let me know how to pay you.


No problem, its an easy two step process :

  1. Make a donation to the exiges.com justgiving page Ben Phillips is fundraising for Cancer Research UK. I suggest £5 per sticker since every single penny goes straight to our charity Cancer Relief. Include in the comments field your exiges.com username.
  2. Send me an email with your address and Mrs Benja will dispatch them to you. I’ve setup an email for this purpose its [email protected]


I’m gonna put some on the Shit-Max, the R300, my laptop, my kids, my work bag, the microwave,…so many things benefit from a www.exiges.com sticker. Please have some stickers off me, I’ve got loads of 'em!!


Thanks Keith :thumbup: Drop me an email with your address if you want some stickers and I’ll pop 'em in the post.

Thanks guys, quite a few stickers are in the post and we’re currently sitting at £1653 in the pot :thumbup:

Just caught up with this thread, are the sunstrips still available? Are they a plain black? How many £’s please, one and a couple of Exiges stickers would be great!