Exiges.com changelog

Date / Modification
15 MAY 19 / Migrated to GiraffeIT.com hosted servers
15 MAY 19 / went to https
15 MAY 19 / Updated phpBB to 3.2.7
15 MAY 19 / Updated php to 7.2.x
17 MAY 19 / Added imgur as free image hosting
21 MAY 19 / Reorganised the forum layout
21 MAY 19 / Added “mentions”. Simply add a @ sign before the username of the person and it will flag as an alert next time they visit
22 MAY 19 / increased “spam” timeout to allow more searches before being incorrectly flagged as a “spammer”
02 JUN 19 / changed signups so that they should instantly be “allowed” in if they answer the super tough question correctly.
02 JUN 19 / added “thanks” ability to posts
03 JUN 19 / changed General Exiges Talk to General Lotus Talk
10 JUN 19 / change external links to open in new tab/window. Can change the default behavior in control panel
16 JUL 19 / MariaDB upgrade from 10.1 to 10.2
19 JUL 19 / moved obvious topics from known problems to relevant s1/s2/s3 topic.
19 JUL 19 / renamed “other” to archive
19 JUL 19 / moved the oily bits to archive
23 JUL 19 / updated nginx to 1.17.2
09 AUG 19 / favicon.ico created and used
13 AUG 19 / Nginx update to 1.17.3 ( security )
13 AUG 19 / Updated php to 7.2.21 ( security )
27 AUG 19 / Added mChat , a free online chat facility. Icon available in shortcut bar. Will evaluate useage
02 SEP 19 / Removed mChat. The masses have spoken
09 SEP 19 / shop.exiges.com raised and test products added
10 SEP 19 / separate stickies and “normal” threads modified to make a cleaner look
13 SEP 19 / MariaDB upgrade to 10.2.27-1.
01 OCT 19 / Opened shop.exiges.com for us to buy stuff (hint hint)
01 OCT 19 / updated nginx to 1.17.4
20 OCT 19 / security update to 3.2.8
25 OCT 19 / update to PHP Version 7.2.24
26 NOV 19 / nginx upgrade to 1.17.6
27 DEC 19 / imagick updates, and nginx upgrade to 1.17.7
27 DEC 19 / MariaDB 10.2–>10.3 upgrade.
22 JAN 20 / nginx upgrade to 1.17.8 and imagick updates
23 JAN 20 / Banned some bots from crawling us. We had 280+ bots hammering the server
28 JAN 20 / Upgraded software to phpbb3.3
28 JAN 20 / Update to PHP version 7.4.2
30 JAN 20 / Updated style ( pro light ) to version 1.1.0
31 JAN 20 / Added rocket loader ( yes , thats a real name )
31 JAN 20 / Removed rocket loader as it stopped the image uploader working.
06 FEB 20 / imgur extension update
06 FEB 20 / Kernel updates
26 FEB 20 / enabled HTTP/3 (with QUIC) and 0-RTT Connection Resumption
20 MAR 20 / various kernel updates
20 MAR 20 / nginx update to 1.17.9
19 APR 20 / redis update / php upgrade to 7.4.5 and nginx update to 1.17.10
20 APR 20 / redis the NGINX rewrite rules to validate settings. SEO options including meta were added
23 APR 20 / exigesdotcom launched for instagram - the sister to exiges.com
25 APR 20 / new style launched for exiges.com
02 MAY 20 / perl / python and 441 other updates ( not even joking on that number )
29 MAY 20 / Nginx update to 1.19.0
22 JUN 20 / php 7.4.6 update
26 JUN 20 / Added link to shop.exiges.com on forum front
05 JUL 20 / Updated imagick to v7, updated multiple dependancies and syslibs
14 JUL 20 / Nginx update to 1.19.1
18 JUL 20 / Theme update to Version 2.1.4
20 JUL 20 / Reaction icons changed
11 AUG 20 / Nginx update to 1.19.1
11 AUG 20 / updated PHPBB software to 3.3.1
11 AUG 20 / MariaDB upgraded to 10.3.24
14 AUG 20 / Nginx update to 1.19.2 Anyone reading this?
03 SEP 20 / php 7.4.9 update / redis update / kernel update / imageick update
25 SEP 20 / Redis redis-6.0.7-1.el7 update
30 SEP 20 / Nginx update to 1.19.3
02 OCT 20 / Php update to 7.4.11
24 OCT 20 / slight redesign using 16:9 resolution for icons. Updated the theme as there was a bug that was bugging the heck out of me.
29 OCT 20 / Nginx update to 1.19.4
29 OCT 20 / redis.x86_64 0:6.0.9-1.el7.remi updated
06 NOV 20 / MariaDB upgrade to 10.3.26-1
25 NOV 20 / Nginx upgraded to 1.19.5
25 NOV 20 / ImageMagick upgraded + around 1million miscellaneous other updates
31 DEC 20 / Multiple updates including Nginx update to 1.19.6
29 JAN 21 / upgraded to PHP Version 7.4.14 , redis upgrades , elasticsearch upgrades + other odds and sods.
29 JAN 21 / added lightbox
29 JAN 21 / upgraded to 10.4.17-MariaDB
29 JAN 21 / right now I cannot make this site any faster on mobile or desktop. Its optimised, its rapid.
29 JAN 21 / upgraded site to 3.3.3
29 JAN 21 / added light and dark theme
07 FEB 21 / Various update such as imageMagick updates and kernel updates. Nothing exciting really.
20 FEB 21 / Update NGINX to 1.19.7
28 FEB 21 / Approx 5 million updates including ImageMagick, ElasticSearch, and lots of other bits
10 MAR 21 / Nginx update to 1.19.8 / elasticsearch update as well as php to 7.4.16
13 MAR 21 / php update to 8.0.3
05 APR 21 / various small updates including Elasticsearch 1.12 , imagmagik and Nginx 1.19.9. Reverted to php 7.4.15 due to some compatibility issues with phpbb3.3.3
24 APR 21 / Nginx update to 1.19.10. About a jillion other updates as well
15 MAY 21 / Upgraded to 3.3.4 PHPBB and PHP8.0.6. Few other kernel changes and around 91 other updates ( yes , really )
02 JUN 21 / Nginx update to 1.21.0
31 AUG 21 / Nginx update to 1.21.2 & PHP8.0.10
18 SEP 21 / Various kernel updates , 1.21.3 update and imagemagik updates
24 OCT 21 / absolute shedload of updates for various misc things such as imagemagik , elasticseach and various kernel updates
29 OCT 21 / Phpbb 3.3.5 upgrade.
11 NOV 21 / Nginx upgrade to 1.21.4 and various other updates
10 DEC 21 / Update to php8.1 , misc other updates
29 DEC 21 / Nginx 1.21.5 update
28 JAN 22 / Nginx 1.21.6

Please feel free to comment on the above, or put in any requests.