Exiges..... all black

Looking at Exiges at the moment, predominantly on PH and Auto Trader.

Why are there so many black ones for sale? Are they not a preferred colour or seen as “the wrong” colour to choose?
Most of them seemed to be on the market for some time, are dealers struggling to shift them?

I Guess your looking at S2 … as the “only” colour for the S1 is Black …

Black makes them hotter…

Once you’ve had black there’s no going back

I’m coming round to black, it wasn’t my first colour choice.

I’d have to get it armour fended as stone chips must show up worse on black?
Also invest in some very bright LED side lights to make the car stand out.

Fingers crossed a 220 will be in budget (waiting for a house sale to come through before I have the cash).

I had an starlight black Exige for 6 years before I sold it last year and with armourfend from new the paint looked mint.

Although it looked good when I sold it, the guy who has it now has taken cleaning to a whole new level and it looks way better than when it was new.

Wow, that sure is shiney!

Wow! Its been a long time since my car looked like that.

Reminds me of that:

Solid shiny black is so yesterday

That’s a great picture. :sunglasses:

Mine is Black (with a silver stripe) and is as clean as it’s ever been, I’ve spent a couple of days cleaning it, 2 layers of wax and a layer high gloss protection. Hopefully the new owner will appreciate it, just need to find that person.

Seen it, very nice. But suspect it might be over my budget (waiting for monies from a house sale before committing).

When I repaint my car (currently a Titanium S1), I’ll be having it done black with JPS details.

By all means drop me a PM if you want to discuss.

Did you once used to frequent WSCC? I recognise the username.


Are we both exige hunting…

Yup… ex-Westfield owner.