Exige Wanted

I am currently looking to buy an Exige but before I make my decision I would like some advice. I am not new to Lotus ownership (I currently have an Elise) but would be interested to hear from anyone on:
a) The ease of ownership - how reliable are they - in particular those with the 190 upgrade.
b) I know from experience that the Elise can be an everyday car but is this also true for an Exige - it will be used daily?
c) Are there any problems with insurance particularly for those that have been upgraded - is some form of traker a requirement for theft cover?

It would also be useful if anyone has any knowledge good or bad of the Exige currently for sale through The Turbo Centre registration number T7 MBM?

I am just about to email David Ward about the one he is selling.

Thanks in advance



In answer to your questions

  1. Incredibly reliable particularly Laser Blue cars
  2. Ideal for everday use particularly Laser Blue cars
  3. Insurance companies prefer Laser Blue cars and don’t need a tracker as they are so distinctive

Biased moi

Have not received an e-mail

David Ward

Hi Alistair

T7 MBM is Mark McDermotts old car, check this thread:

Silver Exige

I was interested in this car when I was looking - the Turbo Centre has it at �23k but they were selling it on behalf of Mark, and he was willing to accept nearer �21k directly through him…


You could always buy mine

I am just about to put it up at �19750, it is an X plate metallic black with 22000 on the clock, just had about �4k spent on it, send me a PM if you’re interested


Thanks for the info - sorry black is one colour I don’t want.

Do you know if Mark still owns it - given the timing I would guess not.


Don’t know mate - try emailing him first before going to the Turbo Centre

Only problem is that if he stills owns it, the Turbo Centre are very reluctant to let you drive it (certainly didn’t me) unless you put a deposit down to buy it with them…

But if Mark has sold it to them and you’re interested in it, then make sure you drive a hard bargain - they’ve had it on their forecourt for almost 3 months, so they’ll probably want to get rid

Good luck mate