Exige s3 ECU query

Hello all.

Seemingly random question here.

Are the t6 ECU car locked?

As in can I buy another , transfer it to the same model ( 410 to 410 for example ) or are immo / UCH etc locked?

Dave will be along in a while to confirm but, yes and no. They will plug in and normally run, but chassis number, probably variant code and other faults are likely to be triggered.
We have a way to fix it.

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John is spot on, 410 onto410 etc will work, chassis number the car doesn’t really care about, but the variant coding is the important bit.
We can now sort the variant coding as well as chassis numbers
AND we can fit ECU’S from say a 350 to a 410 etc, but that takes a far bit of, shall we say ‘adjustments’

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what you up to Mr Bond?

Nothing! Just understanding the art of the possible!

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